松たか子 - 空の鏡(Matsu Selection) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 松たか子 - 空の鏡(Matsu Selection)

空の鏡(Matsu Selection)
Empty Mirror (Matsu Selection)
はしゃぐ子猫の ミルクを温め
I'll warm up the milk for the playful kitten
やっぱりあのセーター 買おうと思う
I think I'll buy that sweater after all
たとえば月なら 夜明けに消える
Like the moon, it will disappear at dawn
どうしてあなたじゃ なければダメなの
Why do I have to be with you?
あの日あなたに出会わなければ 青い夜を知らずに
If I hadn't met you that day, I wouldn't have known the blue night
無邪気な夢を見続けながら 眠ったでしょう
I would have kept dreaming innocent dreams and fallen asleep
夜更けのバスルーム 髪を切りすぎて
In the late-night bathroom, I cut my hair too short
海が見たいなって ぼんやり思う
I think to myself that I want to see the ocean
たとえば船なら 帆を上げ進む
Like a boat, with its sails hoisted, I will move forward
どうして私で なければダメなの
Why do I have to be with you?
あの日あなたに出会わなければ 空の眩しさ知らずに
If I hadn't met you that day, I wouldn't have known the dazzling sky
街の流れにうつむきながら 過ごしたでしょう
I would have spent my days looking down at the city streets
今も胸に 刻まれて消えない
Now, forever etched in my heart
言えなかった一言 言ってしまった一言
The words I couldn't say, the words I did say
夏が騒ぐ頃 向日葵が咲けば
When summer makes its noisy entrance and the sunflowers bloom
あなたと出会う前に 帰れるでしょうか
Will I be able to return to before I met you?
たとえば河なら わかれて眠る
Like a river, we will flow apart and slumber
どうして二人で なくちゃダメなの
Why do we have to be together?
時計台の螺旋階段 駆け上がり空を見上げる
I'll run up the spiral staircase of the clock tower and gaze up at the sky
息を潜めてあなたの影に 手を伸ばし呼びかける
Holding my breath, I reach out my hand towards your shadow and call out your name
あの日あなたに出会えた私 恋は終わるけれど
The day I met you, I fell in love, but now it's over
この星の上あの星の下 同じ空を見てる
On this star and under that star, we gaze at the same sky

Авторы: 坂元 裕二, 日向 大介, 坂元 裕二, 日向 大介, Hinata Daisuke

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