林凡 - 我的八月怎麼過 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 林凡 - 我的八月怎麼過

How Can I Spend My August
愛讓愛變得懦弱 關上電話關不住寂寞
Love made love weak. Hanging up the phone, but can't hang up the loneliness.
我的八月怎麼過 為了什麼 他到底有些什麼理由
How can I spend my August? What reason does he have to...? What exactly is his reason?
我的心再也不碰 看了看時鐘
My heart won't fall in love again. Looking at the clock,
送走七月最後一分鐘 過去記憶不停重播
Saying goodbye to the last minute of July. Past memories keep playing back.
而現在我的世界只有 挫折脆弱
And now my world has only setbacks and vulnerability.
我的八月怎麼過 他的情人不是我
How can I spend my August? His lover isn't me.
就在去年的這個時候 他緊貼我的臉說愛我
Just this time last year, he held my face close and said he loved me.
我的八月怎麼過 他的心裡沒有我
How can I spend my August? I'm not in his heart.
我光著腳走在大雨中 對著天空大聲說
Walking barefoot in the heavy rain, I shouted at the sky,
Don't give me this painful kind of freedom.

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