林原めぐみ - 星のない夜へ - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 林原めぐみ - 星のない夜へ

Into the Starless Night
眠れない夜には ひとり車を飛ばして
On sleepless nights, alone in my car, I drive,
もう戻れない 心の行方捜すの
Searching for the destination of my heart, from which I can't turn back.
風向きが変われば 薄着の肩がせつない
When the wind changes direction, my bare shoulders feel cold.
ねえ そんなに きっと私強くはなかったのに
Hey, I was never that strong, you know?
暁の空が 私をつかのま少女にさせて
For a fleeting moment, as the morning sky transforms me into a young girl again,
つないでる指から 恋がひとり歩き
Love begins to walk its own path, starting from our intertwined fingers.
2年前ならね 少しは大人ぶっていたから
Two years ago, I might have acted a little more mature,
あなたのこともっと 距離をおいてみてたはずよ
And I would have kept my distance from you a little bit more.
だけど 言葉じゃなくて 理屈じゃなくて
But it wasn't words or logic that mattered,
It was the chance encounter that sparkled.
傷つくことを 予感しても 誰にも止められない
I can sense the pain that's coming,
星のない夜には ひとり彷徨う想いが
But no one can stop me on these starless nights, when my thoughts wander.
もうどこまでも 私をひきとめるから
They pull me further and further away.
潮風のにおいに あなたがよぎってくけど
The salty wind carries your scent,
不思議ね 深呼吸でみんな忘れられそう
But strangely, I can almost forget everything with a deep breath.
As the lights fly low along the road,
FMもブレイク 闇が包みこむわ
The FM signal fades, and darkness envelops me.
同じこの道を あなたと笑って駆け抜けたね
We used to laugh and race down this same road,
手を伸ばせば 届くほどに まだ胸に熱くて
You're still so close that I can almost reach out and touch you, and my heart still burns.
何を探していたの 求めていたの
What was I after? What did I want?
But one thing is for sure:
違う誰かに なりたかった あの日の私がいる
I wanted to be someone else, the me from that day.
星のない夜には ひとり車を飛ばして
On sleepless nights, alone in my car, I drive,
もう果てしなく 明日を見つけたいから
Because I want to reach the end, to find tomorrow.
心で叫ぶのは なによりほんとの私
My heart cries out, my true self more than anything.
不思議ね 深呼吸でみんな忘れられそう
Strangely, I can almost forget everything with a deep breath.

Авторы: 松浦 有希

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