林大爲, 吳翊任, 吳翊嘉, 吳翊慈, 李安雅, 維娜 & 尤艾島莎 - 四合院 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 林大爲, 吳翊任, 吳翊嘉, 吳翊慈, 李安雅, 維娜 & 尤艾島莎 - 四合院

(台語)人生有一條歌 自細漢攏底聽
(Taiwanese) Life has a song since childhood
阿爸ㄟ日本歌 阿母ㄟ跳舞聲
My father's Japanese song, my mother's dance music
外省攏唱軍歌 阿公ㄟ喊拳聲 阿嬤喊麥吵~
Mainlanders all sing military songs, my grandfather's drinking songs, my grandmother yells so loud~
人生有一齣戲 你我逐工底搬
Life is a play, you and I act it out every day
有時拵演落魄 有時拵演快活
Sometimes we play the poor, sometimes we play the happy
哮嘸免太大聲 笑驚人嘸知影 有緣行相偎~
Don't shout too loud, laugh so that no one knows, if we are destined to come together
(台灣童謠)一的炒米香 二的炒韭菜
(Taiwanese children's song) One is fried rice, two is fried chives
三的強強滾 四的炒米粉
Three is strong and tumbling, four is fried rice noodles
五的五將軍 六的六子孫
Five is the five generals, six is the six descendants
七的看無影 八的分一半
Seven is out of sight, eight is halved
無同款ㄟ過去 抬頭共一片天
No more of the same past, looking up at the same sky
嬰仔學講話聲 持大攏笑咪咪
Babies learn to speak, the laughter of the elderly is full of joy
日頭是赤燄燄 隨人底固性命 希望出頭天~
The sun is blazing hot, following the lives of people, hoping for a better tomorrow
麥怨嘆這呢濟 咱係共款未來
Don't complain so much, we have a common future
無同款ㄟ色彩 攏為著後一代
No more of the same colors, all for the next generation
雙腳愛骨力行 雙手麥驚骯髒 將來係咱ㄟ~
Our legs must be strong, our hands must not be afraid of dirt, the future is ours
(客家童謠)油菜花 油菜花 尖尖低 油菜花
(Hakka children's song) Rape blossoms, rape blossoms, pointed rape blossoms
摘兩蕊 轉屋家 給渣 好親家
Pick two, take them home, give them to your good friends
(原住民語 國語)那魯灣多伊啊那呀嘿 無論你是來自何方
(Indigenous language, Mandarin) Taruwan Doi, no matter where you come from
Together we will protect this beautiful place
那魯灣多伊啊那呀嘿 雙腳踩同片土地上
Taruwan Doi, our feet on the same land
相互體諒 就有改變的力量
Mutual understanding, power of change

林大爲, 吳翊任, 吳翊嘉, 吳翊慈, 李安雅, 維娜 & 尤艾島莎 - Taiwan Melody
Taiwan Melody
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