林姵萱 feat. 賀思嘉 & 陳芊妙 - 青春無懼 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 林姵萱 feat. 賀思嘉 & 陳芊妙 - 青春無懼

Fearless Youth
(女)眾人嬉鬧的聲響 還迴盪在耳旁
(Female) The bustling of voices still echoes in my ears
(女)急忙的回首 卻發現已不再身旁
(Female) I turn my head quickly but they are nowhere to be found
(女)一樣的早晨 卻有著不同的靈魂
(Female) The same morning but with a different soul
(Female) About to start a new journey
(女)別徬徨 別失望 我們說好要一起闖
(Female) Don't be afraid or disappointed, we said we'd take the challenge together
(女)因為經過無數挑戰 才讓我們變得更加堅強
(Female) Because countless challenges have made us stronger
(合)就算還有多少困難 也有你的笑容在陪伴
(Chorus) No matter how many difficulties lie ahead, your smile accompanies me
(合)唱出屬於我們的青春 無懼的走向未來
(Chorus) Sing our fearless youth, marching towards the future
(女)逐漸遠去的身影 消失在夕陽下
(Female) Fading figures vanishing in the sunset
(女)空蕩的教室 只剩下無盡的對白
(Female) The empty classroom echoing with endless conversations
(女)泛黃的照片 記錄著我們的滴點
(Female) Yellowed photographs capturing our every moment
(Female) Preserving our promises
(合)別徬徨 別失望 我們說好要一起闖
(Chorus) Don't be afraid or disappointed, we said we'd take the challenge together
(合)因為經過無數挑戰 才讓我們變得更加堅強
(Chorus) Because countless challenges have made us stronger
(合)就算還有多少困難 也有你的笑容在陪伴
(Chorus) No matter how many difficulties lie ahead, your smile accompanies me
(合)唱出屬於我們的青春 無懼的走向未來
(Chorus) Sing our fearless youth, marching towards the future
(合)別害怕 用力朝你的夢想飛翔
(Chorus) Don't be afraid, pursue your dreams relentlessly
(合)別迷惘 夢想會成長茁壯
(Chorus) Don't be lost, dreams will flourish and grow
(合)別驚慌 我們會一直在你身旁
(Chorus) Don't panic, we'll always be by your side
(合)莫忘初衷 別迷失了方向
(Chorus) Never forget your roots, never lose your way
(女)別徬徨 別失望 我們說好要一起闖
(Female) Don't be afraid or disappointed, we said we'd take the challenge together
(合)因為經過無數挑戰 才讓我們變得更加堅強
(Chorus) Because countless challenges have made us stronger
(合)就算還有多少困難 也有你的笑容在陪伴
(Chorus) No matter how many difficulties lie ahead, your smile accompanies me
(合)唱出屬於我們的青春 無懼的走向未來
(Chorus) Sing our fearless youth, marching towards the future
(女)唱出屬於我們的青春 無懼的走向未來
(Female) Sing our fearless youth, marching towards the future

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