林家謙 - 怪我只敢做好人 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 林家謙 - 怪我只敢做好人

It's All My Fault That I Dare to Be a Good Person
就怪自己太害怕講話 說謊都口震
It's all my fault that I'm too afraid to speak, My lies make me tremble
做我自己太易會得罪 塑膠的複製人
Being myself is too easy to offend, A plastic copycat
對不起 我想忍
I'm sorry, I want to忍
卻不禁 不對事 對人
But I can't help it, Not to things, not to people
若靠自己判斷我好壞 怕有失公允
If I rely on my own judgment to determine if I'm good or bad, I'm afraid I'll be unfair
但覺自己太易對不住 某處境的某人
But I feel that I can too easily wrong, Someone, somewhere
內疚得很 自責得深
I feel very guilty, I blame myself deeply
如何可 不顧人 請指引
How can I, Disregard people? Please guide me
Must people fear the good and欺惡 to be considered human?
It's hard, It's hard to imagine that love can感化 hate
Who,Bribes good people with a lifetime of peace?
扮演壞人 不敢
I dare not, Play the villain
若我自己背叛我的話 我怎麼敢瞓
If I betray myself, How can I sleep?
若我自己也恨我的話 再怎麼敢見人
If I hate myself, How can I face the world?
赤子心 重幾斤
A pure heart, How much does it weigh?
如存貨 可變賣 都吸引
Like inventory, it can be sold, It's tempting
Must people fear the good and欺惡 to be considered human?
It's hard, It's hard to take everything to heart
Who,Bribes good people with a lifetime of peace?
扮演壞人 豈敢
How dare I, Play the villain
曾被手抱後都有抱負 先似人
Who,After being held in your arms, has had the ambition to be like a human first?
Who,Has been happy and relaxed to become a villain?
People, The more people think about beauty and goodness, the more they think, so
想不聞 不問
They want to hear nothing, Ask nothing
面對靈魂 一拷問
Facing the soul, A拷問
令我只 敢做 好人
Makes me only, Dare to be, A good person

Авторы: 林家謙

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