林家謙 - 難道喜歡處女座 (Alter Ego) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 林家謙 - 難道喜歡處女座 (Alter Ego)

難道喜歡處女座 (Alter Ego)
Is it difficult to love a Virgo?
你的指甲 相當潔淨
Your fingernails are quite clean,
我很關註 瑣碎事情
I focus a lot on trivial things,
以X光眼睛 把你靈魂望到 很透明
With X-ray eyes, I can see through your soul and it's very transparent.
敏感的我 假裝冷靜
I am sensitive, but I pretend to be calm,
內心充滿 對未來 不確定
My heart is filled with uncertainty about the future,
是否揀你 三千晚
Will I pick you from a thousand nights?
循環驗証 仍然未決定
I keep testing, but I still can't make up my mind.
嫌的比愛的多 推比要的多
I complain more than I love, and I push you away more than I want you,
孤單一個 是這潔癖惹禍
I'm lonely because of my潔癖.
凝望你離場 讓我很優雅 很優雅的折墮
Watching you leave makes me look very graceful, gracefully decadent.
明知想這麼多 姿勢這麼多
I know I think too much and have too many attitudes,
幸福 都分到不多
Happiness is hard to come by.
應該醒了吧 除非有人 煩都不怕我
I should wake up now, unless there's someone who doesn't mind how annoying I am.
我擔心到 三更半夜
I worry until the middle of the night,
絕色的你 接受陽光照射
You are so beautiful under the sunlight,
缺點可會 遮不了
Can your flaws be hidden?
無權伴我 同遊在舞榭
I have no right to accompany you to dance.
嫌的比愛的多 推比要的多
I complain more than I love, and I push you away more than I want you,
孤單一個 是這潔癖惹禍
I'm lonely because of my潔癖.
凝望你離場 讓我很優雅 很優雅的折墮
Watching you leave makes me look very graceful, gracefully decadent.
明知想這麼多 姿勢這麼多
I know I think too much and have too many attitudes,
幸福 都分到不多
Happiness is hard to come by.
單身一世吧 除非有人 煩都不怕我
I'll be single forever, unless there's someone who doesn't mind how annoying I am.
情願似白羊 似摩羯座
I wish I were like Aries or Capricorn,
無謂纖細又 糾結像我
Not as delicate and糾結as me.
I want to find someone to laugh with,
大眾偏說 尋求情人 別揀我
But everyone says, "Don't pick me to be your lover."
來首優雅悲歌 記錄我坎坷
Sing me an elegant and sad song to record my ups and downs,
想不管了 為愛放膽惹禍
I want to stop thinking and take a risk for love.
頭撞破離場 仍能高貴地 優雅地 再一個
I'll leave with a bloody head, but I can still be noble and graceful.
誰都想計清楚 才最淒楚
Everyone wants to be careful, but it's the saddest thing,
問心 人誰又無過
Ask your heart, who is without sin?
汙點怎漂白 如果太煩 誰稀罕愛我
How can I wash away the stains? If I'm too annoying, who would love me?
挑剔的結局 人間有人 還挑剔過我
The result of being picky is that there are still people in the world who are even pickier than me.

Авторы: Terence Lam

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