Knowing there's no possibility, I've given up the white clouds in the sky, searching for a flying kite.
是寂寞是流星群 往往用一生 來懷念霎眼的街燈
Is it loneliness or a meteor shower? I tend to spend my whole life missing the fleeting streetlights.
為了 那些美麗煩惱 愛得那樣殘酷 越是想得到的
Because of those beautiful worries, I love so cruelly, the more I want to get
永得不到 他不會愛我 他只會記得我 沉悶的天空 彼此閃過
I'll never get it. He won't love me. He'll just remember me. The dull sky, we pass each other by.
耀眼的火 他不再愛我 漆黑裡看清楚 誰是一顆星 光速的愛
The dazzling fire, he doesn't love me anymore. In the darkness, I see clearly who's a star. The speed of light love
一閃即過 一閃即過 寂寞如梭 曾經寂寞就如灰塵
A flash and it's gone, a flash and it's gone. Loneliness flies by. Loneliness used to be like dust,
佈滿躍動的心 連沉睡也發出聲音
Covering my racing heart, even when I'm asleep, I can hear the sound.
曾經付出氣力光陰 拚了命要握緊 毫無用處的奢侈品
I used to spend my time and energy, desperately trying to hold on tight to that worthless luxury.
為了 那些美麗煩惱 愛得那樣殘酷 越是想得到的
Because of those beautiful worries, I love so cruelly, the more I want to get
永得不到 他不會愛我 他只會記得我 沉悶的天空 彼此閃過
I'll never get it. He won't love me. He'll just remember me. The dull sky, we pass each other by.
耀眼的火 他不再愛我 漆黑裡看清楚 誰是一顆星 光速的愛
The dazzling fire, he doesn't love me anymore. In the darkness, I see clearly who's a star. The speed of light love
一閃即過 一閃即過 不要愛 無法愛上的畫 任我怎麼欣賞他
A flash and it's gone, a flash and it's gone. Don't love the painting that can't be loved. No matter how much I admire him,
都不要到處掛 他不會愛我 他只會記得我 沉悶的天空 彼此閃過
Don't hang him everywhere. He won't love me. He'll just remember me. The dull sky, we pass each other by.
耀眼的火 他不再愛我 漆黑裡看清楚 誰是一顆星 光速的愛 一閃即過 一閃即過
The dazzling fire, he doesn't love me anymore. In the darkness, I see clearly who's a star. The speed of light love. A flash and it's gone, a flash and it's gone.
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