林憶蓮 - 領悟 (Live) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 林憶蓮 - 領悟 (Live)

領悟 (Live)
Coming to Realization (Live)
我以為 我會哭 但是我 沒有 我只是
Darling, I thought I’d cry, but I didn’t, I just
怔怔望著你的腳步 給你我最後的祝福
Staring blankly at your footsteps, gave you my final blessing
這何嘗不是一種領悟 讓我把自己看清楚
This was never a realization, let me see myself clearly
雖然那無愛的痛苦 將日日夜夜 在我靈魂
Even though the pain of lovelessness will be in my soul day and night
最深處 我以為我會報復 但是我沒有
Darling, I thought I’d seek revenge, but I didn’t
當我看到我深愛過的男人 竟然像孩子一樣無助
When I saw the man I once loved so deeply, helpless as a child
這何嘗不是一種領悟 讓你把自己看清楚
This was never a realization, let you see yourself clearly
被愛是奢侈的幸福 可惜你從來不在乎
Being loved is a luxurious happiness, but sadly you never cared, oh
一段感情就此結束 一顆心 眼看要荒蕪
A relationship ended just like that, oh, a heart was on the verge of desolation
我們的愛若是錯誤 願你我沒有白白受苦
If our love was a mistake, may you and I not suffer in vain
若曾真心真意付出 就應該滿足
If we had ever been sincere and devoted, we should be content
多麼痛的領悟 你曾是我的全部
Oh, how painful a realization! You were my everything
只是我回首來時路的每一步 都走的好孤獨
But as I looked back at every step of our journey, I walked alone
多麼痛的領悟 你曾是我的全部
Oh, how painful a realization! You were my everything
只願你掙脫情的枷鎖 愛的束縛
I only wish you could break free from love’s shackles, love’s constraints
任意追逐 別再為愛受苦
Chase after your heart's desire, never suffer for love again

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