梁文福 - 好了歌 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 梁文福 - 好了歌

A Good Song
世人都晓神仙好 唯有功名忘不了
Everyone knows immortals are great But only fame is unforgettable
古今将相在何方 荒冢一堆草没了
Where are the generals and ministers of the past? Their graves are overgrown with weeds
世人都晓神仙好 只有金银忘不了
Everyone knows immortals are great But only gold and silver are unforgettable
终朝只恨聚无多 及到多时眼闭了
All day long, people regret not having enough When they finally have enough, their eyes are closed
世人都晓神仙好 只有娇妻忘不了
Everyone knows immortals are great But only their beautiful wives are unforgettable
君生日日说恩情 君死又随人去了
Husbands always talk about love But when they die, their wives go with other men
世人都晓神仙好 只有儿孙忘不了
Everyone knows immortals are great But only their children and grandchildren are unforgettable
痴心父母古来多 孝顺子孙谁见了
There have always been many loving parents But who has seen filial children and grandchildren?
世人都晓神仙好 宝二爷说走就走了
Everyone knows immortals are great Master Bao left without a word
林妹妹还泪泪已尽 薛宝钗空有金锁也锁不了
Lin Daiyu's tears have dried up Xue Baochai's golden lock couldn't keep her
世人都晓神仙好 没缘份神仙也帮不了
Everyone knows immortals are great Immortals can't help those who are not destined
晴雯还博得撕扇笑 贤袭人到头来还不是嫁人去了
Qingwen was ridiculed for tearing a fan Xiren ended up marrying someone else
世人都晓神仙好 神仙还不如刘姥姥
Everyone knows immortals are great Immortals are not as good as Liu Laolao
史太君享福还有烦恼 刘姥姥倒还救得那姐儿巧
Lady Jia enjoys her blessings but still has worries Liu Laolao saved the young lady
世人都晓神仙好 王熙凤揽权命也不要了
Everyone knows immortals are great Wang Xifeng would rather die than give up her power
原要飞鸟各投林 高鹗他拚命救也救不了
The birds should have flown away But Gao E tried his best to save them but couldn't
世人都晓神仙好 唯有功名忘不了
Everyone knows immortals are great But only fame is unforgettable
邻家的小弟今年才会考 他说没有特优就考得不好
The neighbor's son is taking an exam this year He says if he doesn't get an A, he won't do well
世人都晓神仙好 只有金银忘不了
Everyone knows immortals are great But only gold and silver are unforgettable
现在是信用卡才最重要 他们是连那罗衣也不信了
Credit cards are the most important thing now They don't even believe in clothes
世人都晓神仙好 只有娇妻忘不了
Everyone knows immortals are great But only their beautiful wives are unforgettable
离婚的时候她最精明了 赡养费可是一分也不能少
She was very clever when they divorced She didn't want to lose a penny of alimony
世人都晓神仙好 只有儿孙忘不了
Everyone knows immortals are great But only their children and grandchildren are unforgettable
别让你儿子有日对你说 爸爸我们还是送你去养老
Don't let your son tell you one day Dad, let's send you to a nursing home

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