梁洛施 - 眼淚的好戲 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 梁洛施 - 眼淚的好戲

The Game of Tears
很想知你 今晚若有空
I really wanted to know if you're free tonight
何解不找我 令我不知所措
Why can't you find me and say?
時時都迷迷糊 暗戀著
I'll sometimes feel lost and confused
But I'm afraid you won't know
Our three-minute conversation is over
才匆匆幾秒 冒昧地再送出短訊
Within seconds, I dare to send you a text message
花一天等回覆 毋忘你如何令到我心痛
I spend a day waiting for a reply, never forgetting how you hurt my heart
差一些可一起 你與我那點距離
We are close, but there is still a gap
怎麼可以收窄 至可親你
How can I reach you?
拿手機閑談也避忌 大概到有天失去士氣
You are avoiding talking to me on the phone
I may lose my morale
你似當我後備 我與你那一些約會約都未約定
You must have back up plans
How can I find you?
連催逼眼淚的好戲 也沒法感動你
I have used the game of tears, but I can't win you
Suddenly, I realize love depends on luck
Even if we don't see each other
仍不分早晚 學習換上你的喜好
I'll change myself for you
胭脂水粉唇膏 何妨再重頭為你去深造
I can put on makeup and lipstick
差一些可一起 你與我那點距離
We are close, but there is still a gap
怎麼可以收窄 至可親你
How can I reach you?
拿手機閑談也避忌 害怕會有天講到泄氣
You are avoiding talking to me on the phone
I may lose my morale
你似當我後備 我與你那一些約會約都未約定
You must have back up plans
How can I find you?
連催逼眼淚的好戲 也沒法感動你
I have used the game of tears, but I can't win you
Suddenly, I realize love depends on luck
If one day our text messages stop getting through
I'll save every word
Even if I have no luck with you
真心真意 受製於你
My love for you is true
差一些可一起 你與我那點距離
We are close, but there is still a gap
怎麼可以收窄 至可親你
How can I reach you?
拿手機閑談也避忌 但我永遠都不會放棄
You are avoiding talking to me on the phone
I will explore your scent
我有我去預備 哪怕你有一些約會約都未約定
I will prepare myself
I will wait for you
挨不起也冒死相信 有辦法感動你
I will take the risk and believe
Even if people think I have no hope

Авторы: Wai Ying Janet Yung, Yi To Kwok

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