Rainie Yang - 為愛啟程 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Rainie Yang - 為愛啟程

A Journey for Love
我的天空 為何掛滿濕的淚
My sky is always hung with tears
我的天空 為何總灰的臉
My sky is always sad
Drifting on the other side of the world
Repeatedly being invaded by loneliness
天空 劃著長長的思念
Sky, with long lines of longing
The whole world only you do not understand my love for you
What I give is not just a friend
Every shallow smile that wants to speak but stops
Can't you see that I crave for your messages
終於看開 愛回不來
Finally, I see that love will not come back
There are too many obstacles before us
But your hands don't let go
寧願沒出息 求我別離開
Rather be shameless, beg me not to leave
I miss being able to talk about anything
I miss dreaming together
我懷念的是爭吵以後 還是想要愛你的衝動
I miss the impulse to still love you after arguing
I remember that birthday
I also remember that song
I remember that starry sky
最緊的右手 最暖的胸口
The tightest right hand, the warmest chest
誰記得 誰忘了
Who remembers, who forgets
陰天 在不開燈的房間
Rainy day, in a dark room
When all thoughts sink little by little
Is love really a spiritual opiate
Or a boring pastime at the end of the century
香煙 氳成一灘光圈
Cigarettes, forming a corona
His photo is placed at the side
Two silly people laughing so sweetly
愛沿著 拋物線 離幸福 總降落得差一點
Love flows along a parabola, always falling a little short of happiness
至高後才了解 世上月圓月缺只是錯覺
Only after reaching the highest point do we understand, the waxing and waning of the moon is just an illusion
我們變成了世上 最熟悉的 陌生人
We have become the closest strangers in the world
今後各自曲折 各自悲哀
From now on, each with our own twists and turns, each with our own sorrows
只怪 我們愛得那麼洶湧 愛得 那麼深
Only blame ourselves, we loved so fiercely, we loved so deeply
Thus, the dream awakened, ran aground, became silent
揮手了 卻回不了神
Waved goodbye, but can't recover
如果我的堅強任性 會不小心傷害了你
If my perseverance and willfulness accidentally hurt you
Can you gently remind me
我雖然心太急 更害怕錯過你
Although I'm impatient, I'm more afraid of missing you
愛真的需要勇氣 來面對流言蜚語
Love really needs courage to face gossip
人潮擁擠我能感覺你 放在我手心裡
In the crowd, I can feel you in my palm
Your sincerity
我們的故事愛就愛到值得 錯也錯的值得
Our story, if we love we love until it's worthwhile, if we make mistakes we make mistakes that are worthwhile
If we love until we turn the world upside down, there will be a result
用盡所有力氣不是為我 那是為你才這麼做
Exerting all my strength is not for me, it's all for you
雖然愛是種責任 給要給得完整
Although love is a responsibility, if you give, give it completely
有時愛 美在無法永恆
Sometimes the beauty of love is in its impermanence
愛有多銷魂 就有多傷人
Love is as intoxicating as it is heartbreaking
你若勇敢愛了 就要勇敢分
If you have the courage to love, you must have the courage to break up
但願天空 不再掛滿濕的淚
Wishful thinking, no more tears in the sky
後來 我總算學會了如何去愛
Finally, I have learned how to love
可惜你早已遠去 消失在人海
But unfortunately, you have already left, disappeared into the sea of people
後來 終於在眼淚中明白
Finally, through tears, I understand
有些人 一旦錯過就不再
Some people, once missed, are gone forever
I want to be happy, I want to be able to sleep peacefully
Some people, only when you let go, do you feel warm
離開了才不恨 我早應該割捨
Only when you leave, do you not hate, I should have broken away long ago
我要快樂 哪怕笑的再大聲
I want to be happy, even if I laugh out loud
心不是熱的 全都是假的
If the heart is not warm, it is all fake
Only tears are real

Авторы: Guang Liang, Chen Zi Long

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