楊千嬅 - 我是羊 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 楊千嬅 - 我是羊

I Am a Sheep
你住近波士頓 我住太古城
You live near Boston, I live in Tai Koo City
我在課室用功 你還未蘇醒
I am studying hard in the classroom while you are still waking up
When you want to go skating in the afternoon
I am actually counting the stars
要是你懂幻想 我是你的羊
If you understand fantasy, I am your sheep
閉著眼睛望到 我仍是這樣
Close your eyes and see, I am still the same
When you can't sleep at night
Hoping that I might cure your hangover
從右邊數到左邊 很有秩序
Count from right to left, it's very orderly
一心被你數 被你追
My heart is being counted by you, chased by you
結果只能空想 卻不能共聚
In the end, I can only dream, but we cannot be together
In reality, I have never made you truly fall asleep
感謝你 在閉著眼晴數我
Thank you for counting me with your eyes closed
堅強地 寧靜沉睡星河
Strong, peacefully sleeping in the Milky Way
倘若我 眼角笑中有淚
If there are tears in the laughter in my eyes
沒什麼不妥 也許掛念太多
It's okay, maybe I miss you too much
數下去 害怕若有天數錯
Keep counting, I'm afraid that one day I'll count wrong
很容易 漸冷淡忘記當初
It's very easy, gradually cooling down and forgetting the beginning
可恨我 永遠數不到後果
It's a pity that I will never be able to count the consequences
多麼想我能使你 快點安眠去接近我
How much I wish I could make you fall asleep quickly and approach me
你學會整蛋糕 我沒法品嘗
You learned how to bake cakes, I couldn't taste them
我若賽跑獲獎 你無力叫嚷
If I win a race, you can't shout
As long as we are connected in spirit
When you close your eyes, you will see my face
I once cried with you over the phone
可惜是有聲 沒有畫
It's a pity that there was sound, but no picture
就算空郵影片 怕中途偏差
Even if I send a video by airmail, I'm afraid it will go astray
It's not enough to elevate the feeling before going to bed
感謝你 在閉著眼晴數我
Thank you, my dear, for counting me with your eyes closed
堅強地 寧靜沉睡星河
So strong, sleeping peacefully in the Milky Way
倘若我 眼角笑中有淚
If there are tears in the laughter in my eyes
沒什麼不妥 也許掛念太多
It's okay, maybe I miss you too much
數下去 害怕若有天數錯
Keep counting, I'm afraid that one day I'll count wrong
很容易 漸冷淡忘記當初
It's easy to gradually grow indifferent and forget the beginning
可恨我 永遠數不到後果
It's a pity that I will never be able to count the consequences
多麼想我能使你 快點安眠去接近我
How much I wish I could make you fall asleep quickly and approach me
望有日你離開 枕邊那羊兒仍是我
I hope that one day when you leave, the sheep beside your pillow will still be me

Авторы: Dennie Wong, Yi Yao Yu

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