汪峰 - Zai Yu Zhong - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 汪峰 - Zai Yu Zhong

Zai Yu Zhong
In the Rain
In the Rain
Singer: Wang Feng
在雨中 看见你的身影
In the rain, I saw your figure
突然那么悲伤 那么疯狂
Suddenly so sad, so crazy
刹那间 往事涌上心头
In an instant, memories flood my mind
时光飞逝 掉进了回忆
Time flies, falling into memories
有一次 一起去看电影
Once, we went to see a movie together
那个故事 感人肺腑
That story was so touching
还记得 你流着眼泪
I remember you shed tears
在黑暗中 我们紧紧相拥
In the darkness, we held each other tightly
在这场淅沥沥 哗啦啦 纷纷扬的雨中
In this drizzle, downpour, and flurry of rain
我们还能不能像从前那样 紧紧相拥
Can we still hold each other tightly like before?
在一切甜蜜的疯狂的 都远去的今天
In today when all the sweetness and madness are gone
Can we still embrace in the rain like yesterday?
在雨中 想起你的模样
In the rain, I think of your appearance
感觉那么温暖 那么哀伤
It feels so warm, so sad
刹那间 你似乎就在眼前
In an instant, you seem to be right before my eyes
一切好像 回到了从前
Everything seems to have returned to the past
很多次 一起走在雨中
Many times, we walked together in the rain
那个情景 浪漫如梦
That scene was as romantic as a dream
还记得 你总是靠着我肩膀
I remember you always leaned on my shoulder
在雨中 我们紧紧相拥
In the rain, we held each other tightly
在这场淅沥沥 哗啦啦 纷纷扬的雨中
In this drizzle, downpour, and flurry of rain
我们还能不能像从前那样 紧紧相拥
Can we still hold each other tightly like before?
在一切甜蜜的疯狂的 都远去的今天
In today when all the sweetness and madness are gone
Can we still embrace in the rain like yesterday?
在这场淅沥沥 哗啦啦 纷纷扬的雨中
In this drizzle, downpour, and flurry of rain
我们还能不能像从前那样 紧紧相拥
Can we still hold each other tightly like before?
在一切甜蜜的疯狂的 都远去的今天
In today when all the sweetness and madness are gone
Can we still embrace in the rain like yesterday?

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