洪榮宏 - 望你出外愛保重 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 洪榮宏 - 望你出外愛保重

Take Care When You Go Out
Take care when you go out
送你送到车头前 引阮一时心未清
I'll see you to the car But it's hard to say goodbye
望你出外爱保重 事事项项爱提防
Take care when you go out Be careful in everything
The viciousness of people's hearts is like the weather in spring
反面无常 实在乎人想未到
Unpredictable, truly beyond what people can imagine
你千万爱忍耐 不通意气来冲动
You must be patient, don't let your temper get the better of you
人情义理劝心中 期待早日回故乡
Keep compassion and reason in your heart, and look forward to your early return home
出门在外 甲店置的厝内是无同款
A rented house outside is not the same as your own
凡事爱小心爱忍耐 做一个端正的人
Be careful and patient in everything, and be an upright person
我时时也祝福你 望你平安快乐
I always bless you, and wish you peace and happiness
车站一站过一站 离别的心情真呒甘
The train station passes station after station, and it's hard to say goodbye
忍着痛疼展笑容 送你千里吗无路用
Bearing the pain, I force a smile, but it's useless to see you off for a thousand miles

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