溫雅淳 - 青春故事 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 溫雅淳 - 青春故事

Youth Story
響起上課的鐘聲 安靜的教室粉筆拼命敲著
The sound of the school bell rings, the quiet classroom the chalk is desperately knocking
考試結束的鈴聲 徒留下張白卷和一臉錯愕
The bell for the end of the exam only leaves a blank sheet of paper and a face of astonishment
餐廳裡 排隊想著要吃什麼呢
In the cafeteria, the line thinking what to eat
操場上 排球場 考驗彼此默契的每一回合
On the playground, the volleyball court, testing each other's tacit understanding every round
With memories走向未知的梦境towards an unknown dream
曾經的 悲傷眼淚都將淬煉成勇氣
The悲伤眼淚sorrow and tears of the past will all be tempered into courage
Hold on to dreams and collect eternal memories
那時的 青春故事深存心底不忘記
The youth story of that time is deeply buried in my heart and never forgotten
那天陽光下燦爛 踩著跳著哼著夏奇拉節拍
That day under the sun, brilliant, stepping, jumping, humming to the rhythm of Shakira
那晚星夜中懇談 哭著笑著說著捨不得分開
That night under the stars, talking earnestly, crying, laughing, saying that it was hard to part
一轉眼 三年好像做了一場夢
In the blink of an eye, three years seem to have been a dream
夢醒後 我才懂 珍惜一起走過的每一分鐘
After waking up from the dream, I only understand珍惜一起走过的每一分钟cherishing every minute we walked together
With memories走向未知的梦境towards an unknown dream
曾經的 悲傷眼淚都將淬煉成勇氣
The悲伤眼淚sorrow and tears of the past will all be tempered into courage
Hold on to dreams and collect eternal memories
那時的 青春故事深存心底不忘記
The youth story of that time is deeply buried in my heart and never forgotten
要開始 下段旅程 你會害怕嗎
要开始下段旅程You are about to start a new journey, will you be afraid
一路上 風會颳雨會下 別徬徨
Along the way, the wind will blow and the rain will fall, don't be lost
要勇敢 下個路口 就會有光芒
Be brave. At the next intersection, there will be light
別害怕 向前走吧
Don't be afraid, go ahead
帶著勇氣走向 璀璨的夢境
With courage,走向璀璨的梦境towards a brilliant dream
曾經的 歡笑編織成記憶
The laughter of the past is woven into memories
抓緊燦爛初衷 絢麗夢想
Hold on to the brilliant original intention, the brilliant dream
倔強 不放棄
Stubborn, never give up
With memories走向未知的梦境towards an unknown dream
曾經的 悲傷眼淚都將淬煉成勇氣
The悲伤眼淚sorrow and tears of the past will all be tempered into courage
Hold on to dreams and collect eternal memories
那時的 青春故事深存心底不忘記
The youth story of that time is deeply buried in my heart and never forgotten
這些青春故事 烙印在心底
These youth stories are imprinted in my heart

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