潘裕文 - 躺著也中槍 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 潘裕文 - 躺著也中槍

Caught in the Crossfire
八樓的爆炸 震碎了地板 壓垮我剛新買的床
The eighth-floor explosion shattered the floor and crushed my brand-new bed.
驚醒的我 逃離案發現場 順便踢到鄰人的仙人掌
I woke in a fright, fled the scene and kicked the neighbor's cactus.
Other people's mistakes always end up on my head.
別人的甜頭 我從來不奢望
But their windfalls - I don't get a dime.
馬路太糟 大街太亂 走到哪裡 都有鐵板
The streets are a mess and traffic's a nightmare, there are potholes everywhere.
沒事不要出門閒晃 為何我連 躺著也中槍
No point in going out unless you want trouble - why do I even get shot at when I'm just lying down?
不過是想要好好吃頓飯 隔壁竟然坐了一位黑幫
All I wanted was a decent meal, but there was a gangster sitting right next to me.
射出的子彈穿過了腋下 幸虧我早上有燒香
He fired a bullet that grazed my armpit, thank God I prayed this morning,
別人欠的債 都叫我來償還
They expect me to pay off other people's debts.
別人的幸福 都與我無關
Other people's happiness has nothing to do with me.
馬路太糟 大街太亂 走到哪裡 都有鐵板
The streets are a mess and traffic's a nightmare, there are potholes everywhere.
沒事不要 出門閒晃 為何我連躺著也中槍
No point in going out unless you want trouble - why do I even get shot at when I'm just lying down?
別人欠的債 都叫我來償還 OH NO
They expect me to pay off other people's debts. OH NO
別人的幸福 都與我無關
Other people's happiness has nothing to do with me.
世界太糟 命途太亂 到底誰會 有好下場
The world's a mess and life's a nightmare, who will ever have a happy ending?
潔身自愛 也沒保障 掃到颱風尾 太平常
Even the most cautious get caught in the crossfire.
馬路太糟 大街太亂 走到哪裡都有鐵板
The streets are a mess and traffic's a nightmare, there are potholes everywhere.
不是我要雪上加霜 小心你會躺著 中我槍
I don't want to make things worse, but you better watch out - I might accidentally shoot you while I'm lying down.

Авторы: 黃賈傑

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