熊仔 feat. ShuShu - Φ Nerd with Attitude (feat. ShuShu) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 熊仔 feat. ShuShu - Φ Nerd with Attitude (feat. ShuShu)

Φ Nerd with Attitude (feat. ShuShu)
Φ Nerd with Attitude (feat. ShuShu)
是誰說玩音樂 小孩不會變壞
Who said playing music wouldn't corrupt a kid?
看我從玩音樂 小宅男 變成天菜
Look at me, from a music-loving nerd, I've become a hunk
Damn right
Damn right
千載 難逢的時間那就是現在
This once-in-a-lifetime moment is now
宅男變凶 宅男變凶宅
Nerd turned fierce, nerd turned haunted house
饒舌歌手都喜歡炫富 抱歉... 我都炫技
Rappers all like to show off their wealth... Sorry... I show off my skills
饒舌歌手不喜歡唸書 抱歉... 臺大電機
Rappers don't like to study... Sorry... National Taiwan University Electrical Engineering
饒舌歌手都猙獰面目 抱歉... 長得秀氣
Rappers all have ferocious faces... Sorry... I'm quite handsome
饒舌歌手都喜歡電鍍 抱歉... 比較喜歡上台電你
Rappers all like chrome plating... Sorry... I prefer to electrify you on stage
Rappers can't leave their hands off cigarettes and alcohol
但我比較喜歡研究beat.flow 前奏一下絕對不熄火
But I prefer to study beats and flows, once the intro starts, I'm unstoppable
饒舌歌手笑我學院派 呵是研究所
Rappers laugh at me for being academic, ha, it's graduate school
但最後 沒韻沒flow 還不是回頭來研究我
But in the end, those with no rhymes and no flow come back to study me
當饒舌歌手對臉書 漸漸成癮 我逐漸的 讀萬卷書 綀出 一身本領
As rappers become addicted to Facebook, I gradually read thousands of books, refining my skills
身影 隱身在 書店 咖啡廳 再浮現時已是架上無限的成品
My figure disappears into bookstores and cafes, reappearing as endless products on shelves
他們汲汲營營 比誰bling bling 你聽 chi ching 獎學金的聲音
They hustle and bustle, competing for bling, you hear the chi-ching of scholarships
跟我搶金音獎 問我你怎麼搶不贏
Trying to steal the Golden Melody Award, asking me why you can't win
叫你多聽聽講 你怎麼講都講不聽
I told you to listen more, but you just wouldn't listen
是誰說玩音樂 小孩不會變壞
Who said playing music wouldn't corrupt a kid?
看我從玩音樂 小宅男 變成天菜
Look at me, from a music-loving nerd, I've become a hunk
Damn right
Damn right
千載 難逢的時間那就是現在
This once-in-a-lifetime moment is now
宅男變凶 宅男變凶宅 凶宅 凶宅 凶宅
Nerd turned fierce, nerd turned haunted house, haunted house, haunted house, haunted house
宅男變凶 宅男變凶宅
Nerd turned fierce, nerd turned haunted house
還記得剛開始 上台時 像個呆子
Remember when I first started performing, I was like a fool, heh
用著方程式 算著拍子sounding like a nerd
Using equations to calculate the beat, sounding like a nerd
各種搶拍和 忘詞 和放不開的靦腆
All sorts of rushing, forgetting lyrics, and shy awkwardness
他們看我憨呆的樣子 對我指指點點說
They looked at my silly appearance, pointing fingers and saying
Look at this guy 這麼的宅 還想站上舞台 這麼可愛 呵呵呵x∞
Look at this guy, so nerdy, still wants to be on stage, so cute hahaha x∞
Why don't you give me the mic
Why don't you give me the mic
Bitch you're killing the vibe
Bitch you're killing the vibe
乖乖牌還玩什麼饒舌 快快回家彈你的陶喆
Goody-two-shoes playing rap? Go home and play your David Tao
管你 來自什麼嘻研社 又不是杜振熙來自顏社
Who cares if you're from some hip-hop club, you're not Du Zhenxi from Kao!Inc.
About Little Bear
他即使受到一次一次鄙視 沒有因此遺失己志
Even though he was looked down upon time and time again, he never lost his ambition
反而以此逼自己 日復一日靠著意志力 累積實力與氣勢
Instead, he used it to push himself, day after day, relying on willpower to accumulate strength and momentum
現在曾對他嗤之以鼻的 都被他頤指氣使
Now those who once scoffed at him are being bossed around by him
誰想的到 從沒人想敲 到每個人都想要
Who would have thought, from nobody wanting to hit him up, to everyone wanting him
水漲船高 演唱會的票 一堆妹搶著要
The tide rises, concert tickets, a bunch of girls are fighting for them
誰想合照 (我 我) 來一個一個排隊來
Who wants a photo? (Me, me, me) Line up one by one
誰想的到 鬼才想的到 難怪他們都說我是鬼才
Who would have thought, a genius would have thought, no wonder they all say I'm a genius
是誰說玩音樂 小孩不會變壞
Who said playing music wouldn't corrupt a kid?
看我從玩音樂 小宅男 變成天菜
Look at me, from a music-loving nerd, I've become a hunk
Damn right
Damn right
千載 難逢的時間那就是現在
This once-in-a-lifetime moment is now
宅男變凶 宅男變凶宅 凶宅 凶宅 凶宅
Nerd turned fierce, nerd turned haunted house, haunted house, haunted house, haunted house
宅男變凶 宅男變凶宅
Nerd turned fierce, nerd turned haunted house
說自己沒準備 然後考很廢 這種都被我欺凌
Those who say they didn't prepare and then flunk the test, I bully them
說自己沒準備 然後熬整夜 這種我最唾棄你
Those who say they didn't prepare and then stay up all night, I despise you the most
說自己熬整夜 然後考很廢 這種都沒我機靈
Those who say they stayed up all night and then flunk the test, they're not as clever as me
我都高分貝 說要拿高分 考倒數最後一名
I speak loudly, saying I'll get a high score, and end up last
說自己沒準備 然後考很廢 這種都被我欺凌
Those who say they didn't prepare and then flunk the test, I bully them
說自己沒準備 然後熬整夜 這種我最唾棄你
Those who say they didn't prepare and then stay up all night, I despise you the most
說自己熬整夜 然後考很廢 這種都沒我機靈
Those who say they stayed up all night and then flunk the test, they're not as clever as me
我都高分貝 說要拿高分 考倒數最後一名
I speak loudly, saying I'll get a high score, and end up last
你看那多工的過動兒 一邊做歌一邊做功課
Look at that multitasking hyperactive kid, making music and doing homework at the same time
發展出到底是多風格 還是多重人格 他們都說我瘋了
Developing so many styles, or is it multiple personalities? They all say I'm crazy
像是24個比利 調配我的人格特質比例
Like 24 Billys, adjusting the proportions of my personality traits
白天受科學式的啟迪 晚上變歌詞製造機器
During the day, inspired by science, at night, I become a lyric-making machine
沒辦法克制 歇斯底里 隨時提筆 寫詞維持技藝
Unable to restrain myself, hysterical, always writing lyrics to maintain my skills
允文允武 但韻文就是我裝備的武器
Skilled in both literature and martial arts, but rhymes are my weapon of choice
表面揚眉又吐氣 背後付出雙倍的努力 雙倍的武力
On the surface, I raise my eyebrows and exhale, but behind the scenes, I put in double the effort, double the force
5x2=10 所以有的是實力
5x2=10, so I have plenty of strength
怎麼那麼宅 怎麼那麼鳥
From being so nerdy and lame to
怎麼那麼帥 怎麼那麼屌 怎麼那麼有腦袋
So handsome, so cool, and so brainy
怎麼那麼罩 這麼多的才華 這麼少時間 怎麼做的到
So reliable, so much talent, so little time, how do I do it?
Flow怎麼那麼快 韻怎麼那麼巧 笑容這麼壞 對人怎麼那麼好
Flow so fast, rhymes so clever, smile so mischievous, so kind to people
到底怎麼做的到 沒道理 真的想知道 我教你
How do I do it? It doesn't make sense, I really want to know, I'll teach you, come
一早起來 就卯起來 我跳起來 我超期待
I wake up early, I get going, I jump up, I'm super excited
新考驗拿份考題來 不小心我又考100
Bring on the new challenges, bring on the test questions, oops, I got 100 again
I delve into my professional skills to maintain the popularity of my page
Manage my fan page, respond to every concern from every fan
Respond to every question raised by every student in every project
Review the overall consistency of my album
Return to my secret base and continue to work hard and write
Just so I can be the truly one and only WHAT?!
Just so I can be the truly one and only WHAT?!
凶宅 凶宅 凶宅 宅男變凶 宅男變凶宅
Haunted house, haunted house, haunted house, nerd turned fierce, nerd turned haunted house
凶宅 凶宅 凶宅 宅男變凶 宅男變凶宅 凶宅!
Haunted house, haunted house, haunted house, nerd turned fierce, nerd turned haunted house, haunted house!

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