Kumachan - 遺書 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Kumachan - 遺書

Suicide Note
跟著我走 進這林立的都市叢林
Follow me, into this towering urban jungle,
Through the throngs of people we shall go,
在這由人牆 築成的集中營
In this concentration camp built by walls of human bodies,
悔與恨 總是相繼而生
Regret and resentment always arise in succession.
抬頭向天仰望 卻見不到陽光
Looking up to the sky, I see no sunlight,
只有無數扇窗 無助 的一閃 一閃
Only countless windows, helplessly flickering, flickering,
過一關又一關 我已玩膩
Level after level, I'm tired of playing,
人生遊戲 乾脆移除這軟體
This game of life, I'd rather uninstall this software.
濛的天 此時 飄來一張紙
The gray, hazy sky, at this moment, a piece of paper drifts by,
不斷被 風肆虐 像是 脆弱的天使
Constantly ravaged by the wind, like a fragile angel,
他想飛 向上飛 逃離 重力的限制
It wants to fly, upwards it wants to soar, to escape the constraints of gravity,
但是最後 還是墜落 這就是現實
But in the end, it still falls, this is reality.
當他飄來飄去 飄到我的腳前
As it flutters and floats, landing at my feet,
我蹲下將他撿起 簽字筆的字跡
I bend down to pick it up, the handwriting in pen,
似乎是日記 寫著今天的日期
Seems like a diary, with today's date written on it,
這時我聽見警笛 在遠方響起
At this moment, I hear sirens wailing in the distance.
On the paper it says,
Opening my eyes as a newborn,
I am a destined victim,
我不幸的青春 被無盡的競爭
My unfortunate youth, devoured by endless competition,
Ruthlessly swallowed whole.
再見了友人們 再見了仇人們
Goodbye friends, goodbye enemies,
再見了熟人們 再見了陌生人
Goodbye acquaintances, goodbye strangers,
再見了再見了 世俗的塵緣
Goodbye, goodbye, worldly ties,
我不再受限了 羽化而登仙
I am no longer bound, I ascend and become immortal.
我用第一人稱 試圖自力更生
In the first person, I try to stand on my own two feet,
Pushing through the crowded masses,
在這個適者生存 的遊戲人生
In this survival-of-the-fittest game of life,
我試著生存 但總吃閉門羹
I try to survive, but I keep getting rejected.
I'm trapped in Akutagawa Ryunosuke's Rashomon,
我該 堅持 還是苟且 求生存
Should I persist or compromise for survival?
沒有錢時 沒有兼職 借款還是借
With no money, no part-time job, should I borrow or beg?
沒有水與電時 夜晚還是黑
Without water or electricity, the night remains dark.
我常獨自思索 那些不支持者
I often contemplate those who don't support me,
Why do they try to stop me from time to time?
他們怒視著我 說我不知死活
They glare at me, saying I don't know what death is,
This path only leads to a life of hardship.
說我 不自量力 不切實際
They say I'm overestimating myself, being unrealistic,
顧名思義 你不明事理
As the saying goes, you don't understand reason,
在這勢利的社會 你還想憑自己?
In this snobbish society, you still want to rely on yourself?
在這世襲的世界 你還想憑實力?
In this hereditary world, you still want to rely on your own strength?
I'm not someone who disregards the worldly pleasures,
我只是固執的試圖 不被人海給淹沒
I'm just stubbornly trying not to be drowned by the sea of people,
但是自古 那自負的 都無仕途
But since ancient times, those who are arrogant have no official career,
逝者如斯夫 是否該遺世獨立
Time flows like a river, should I live in seclusion?
眉頭一皺 仍然沒頭緒
My brows furrowed, still no clue,
一籌莫展 一千萬個愁緒
At my wits' end, a million worries weigh on me,
I'm fed up with this twisted game of money,
沒有金錢投幣 就等著過頭七
Without coins to insert, you just wait for your death,
巨流的濤濤濁浪 該怎麼逆流而上
Facing the surging muddy waves, how do I swim upstream?
屈原既放 沒理由繼續抵抗 就這樣投入汨羅江
Qu Yuan has already let go, there's no reason to resist, just throw myself into the Miluo River.
朝來朝去 日復一日
The tides come and go, day after day,
與世推移的人們隨流 飄來飄去
People drift with the current, coming and going,
那沽名釣譽的 高抬高舉著
Those who seek fame and fortune hold their heads high,
所有齷齪 都想耗財消去
Trying to erase all their filth with money.
再見了友人們 再見了仇人們
Goodbye friends, goodbye enemies,
再見了熟人們 再見了陌生人
Goodbye acquaintances, goodbye strangers,
再見了再見了 世俗的塵緣
Goodbye, goodbye, worldly ties,
我不再受限了 羽化而登仙
I am no longer bound, I ascend and become immortal.
Opening my eyes as a newborn,
I am a destined victim,
我不幸的青春 被無盡的競爭
My unfortunate youth, devoured by endless competition,
Ruthlessly swallowed whole.
再見了友人們 再見了仇人們
Goodbye friends, goodbye enemies,
再見了熟人們 再見了陌生人
Goodbye acquaintances, goodbye strangers,
再見了再見了 世俗的塵緣
Goodbye, goodbye, worldly ties,
我不再受限了 羽化而登仙
I am no longer bound, I ascend and become immortal.
As I walk out of the towering urban jungle,
Leaving behind the crowded masses,
來到你的葬禮 不只出自同情
I come to your funeral, not just out of sympathy,
I want to attend personally, to see you off on your journey.
With a 13 or 14-inch black and white photo,
You exchange for the mourning of 14 or 15 people,
你是編劇 演員 你也是導演
You are the screenwriter, the actor, and the director,
但是結局 卻提前 讓人紅了雙眼
But the ending came too soon, leaving everyone with red eyes.
當前 社會的價值觀 根生蒂固
The current societal values are deeply ingrained,
正是幕後的殺人犯 你死不瞑目
They are the murderer behind the scenes, you die with grievances,
憤世嫉俗的你 逼不得已
You, who were cynical of the world, were forced,
留下的遺書 字字珠璣 就由我紀錄
To leave behind a suicide note, every word a pearl, which I will record.
望著飄來飄去 燒成灰燼的冥紙
Looking at the fluttering joss paper burning to ashes,
在離開前 我默念 你墓碑上的名字
Before leaving, I silently recite the name on your tombstone,
葬於江魚腹 將逐漸被忘記
Buried in the belly of the river fish, gradually forgotten,
RIP creativity 本名-----創意
RIP creativity, original name ----- Creativity.
10.5 Reset
10.5 Reset
電腦:(電腦聲)人格特化指數測量中... 沒有生命跡象... 重新測量中... 沒有生命跡象
Computer: (Computer voice) Personality individuation index measurement in progress... No signs of life... Re-measurement in progress... No signs of life.
人格特化指數重新測量中... 特化指數... 0
Personality individuation index re-measurement in progress... Individuation index... 0

Авторы: Xin Kuan Xiong

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