熊天平 - Mr.Moon - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 熊天平 - Mr.Moon

[口白]Mr.Moon 請你告訴她 我把最真的給她
[Narration] Mr. Moon Please tell her I give her the realest
在地球兩端 日夜分隔我倆
At two ends of the Earth Day and night separate us
沾上琴弦的思念 唱出對妳的繾綣
The longing lingers on the strings, Singing my affection for you
妳的心遺落在他鄉 我託付月亮把孤單帶上
Your heart is lost in a foreign land I will ask the moon to take away your loneliness
Every word with the wax and wane of the moon
和妳相聚的時光 總是那麼的短暫
The time with you is always so short
期待和妳重逢 在異鄉的情路上
Looking forward to reunion with you on the road of love in a foreign land
回到最初的地方 看妳熟悉的臉龐
Back to the place where we started Seeing your familiar face
共月共聽共盼 寧靜的月光
Watching the moon together, listening to the moon together, waiting for the moon together The tranquility of moonlight
在地球兩端 日夜分隔我倆
At two ends of the Earth Day and night separate us
沾上琴弦的思念 唱出對妳的繾綣
The longing lingers on the strings, Singing my affection for you
妳的心遺落在他鄉 我託付月亮把孤單帶上
Your heart is lost in a foreign land I will ask the moon to take away your loneliness
Every word with the wax and wane of the moon
和妳相聚的時光 總是那麼的短暫
The time with you is always so short
期待和妳重逢 在異鄉的情路上
Looking forward to reunion with you on the road of love in a foreign land
回到最初的地方 看妳熟悉的臉龐
Back to the place where we started Seeing your familiar face
共月共聽共盼 寧靜的月光
Watching the moon together, listening to the moon together, waiting for the moon together The tranquility of moonlight
長長的黑夜 寂寞陪我入睡
Long, dark night Loneliness accompanies my sleep
想念不停疊著想念 疊成一座山
Missing you relentlessly, A mountain of longing grows
和妳相聚的時光 總是那麼的短暫
The time with you is always so short
期待和妳重逢 在異鄉的情路上
Looking forward to reunion with you on the road of love in a foreign land
回到最初的地方 看妳熟悉的臉龐
Back to the place where we started Seeing your familiar face
共月共聽共盼 寧靜的月光
Watching the moon together, listening to the moon together, waiting for the moon together The tranquility of moonlight
同年同月同日 敞開的心窗 Mr. Moon
On the same day of the same month of the same year, Open the window of the heart Mr. Moon

Авторы: Chang De Xu, Wen Fei Lu, Tian Ping Xiong

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