熊天平 - 你的晴天我的雨天 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 熊天平 - 你的晴天我的雨天

Your Sunny Day, My Rainy Day
對你我不需要再說 夜裡為你的安全擔心
Honey, I won't nag anymore about your safety at night
天涼了又怕你感冒生病 只要你快樂我才無慮
When it gets cold I'm afraid you'll catch a cold and get sick As long as you're happy I have no worries
對我你一點也不珍惜 約會不想去就不要去
For me you don't care at all If you don't want to go on a date, then don't go
犯了錯從沒有一絲歉意 有沒有我你都沒有關係
When you make a mistake you never apologize
也許 這就是愛情 怎麼算 也算不清
Maybe this is love How do you calculate it? It's impossible
你的世界時而晴天 時而颳風下雨
Your world is sometimes sunny, sometimes windy and rainy
我無論如何都不適應 但我決不放棄 對你 我又怎麼忍心
I can't adapt, but I'll never give up; how can I have the heart to give up on you?
你的世界時而晴天 時而颳風下雨
Your world is sometimes sunny, sometimes windy and rainy
別人我已經不理不睬 但我決不放棄 對你 我又怎麼忍心
I no longer care about others, but I'll never give up; how can I have the heart to give up on you?

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