片霧烈火 - 闘艶結義~トウエンノチカイ~ - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 片霧烈火 - 闘艶結義~トウエンノチカイ~

Sworn Sibling Bond ~Touen no Chikai~
たとえ世界の総てが 拒んだとしても
Even if the whole world rejects us
As long as you're there...
過酷な現実斬り裂いて 風のように駆け抜ける
We'll cut through the harsh reality, running like the wind
行く手を遮る暗闇を 戦友(とも)と共にいざ貫きましょう
Together with my comrade, let's break through the darkness that blocks our path
From the day we shared an eternal oath
I have dedicated my life only to you
A secret flower that burns quietly in my heart
I will add it to the courage to run
たとえどんな運命(さだめ)が 待ち受けていても
No matter what fate awaits us
繋いだ手を離さない どこまででも闘う
We will never let go of each other's hands, we will fight to the end
いつか夢に描いた 光の在処(ばしょ)求めて
Seeking the whereabouts of the light we once dreamed of
さあ 止まらない嵐の中へ
Come on, into the unrelenting storm
熱い絆 抱(いだ)いて
With a bond, a strong bond, we embrace
静かな決意たたえた瞳(め)は 同じ希望(のぞみ)映し出す
Our eyes, filled with quiet determination, reflect the same hope
With your voice that sounds like the ringing of bells
I, who am wounded, will stand up again
争い疲れ 崩れ落ちそうでも
Even if I am weary from the battle and about to collapse
I do not want to escape into comfort
Until the moment when I fulfill my wish
I cannot stay here
もしも哀しみの雨 降り注いだって
Even if the rain of sorrow pours down
My soul will continue to bloom unshakably, it will not be tainted
君のその微笑みが 背中を押してくれる
Your smile pushes me forward
さあ 見果てぬ雲間の先へ
Come on, to the unknown beyond the clouds
猛つ翼 広げて
With mighty wings spread wide
If we must scatter one day
生まれ変わっても 君と同じ時代(とき)を...
Even if we are reborn, I want to be in the same era as you...
たとえどんな運命(さだめ)が 待ち受けていても
No matter what fate awaits us
刻んだ誓い忘れない どこまででも闘う
We will never forget the oath we made, we will fight to the end
いつか夢に描いた 光の世界(ばしょ)求めて
Seeking the world of light we once dreamed of
さあ 止まらない嵐の中へ
Come on, into the unrelenting storm
熱い絆 抱(いだ)いて
With a bond, a strong bond, we embrace

Авторы: 三浦 誠司, 三浦 誠司

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