王琪惠 feat. 林治文 & 陸正寧 - 我們的故事和歌 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 王琪惠 feat. 林治文 & 陸正寧 - 我們的故事和歌

Our Story and Song
(女)還記得那年 我們一起許下的願
(Female)Do you remember that year? We made a wish together.
(女)那蔚藍的天 彷彿就在眼前
(Female)That azure sky seemed to be right before our eyes.
(男)鏡中的誰 好像又更成熟了點
(Male)The person in the mirror seems to have matured a bit.
(Male)Attaching the red blessing to my breast.
(女)還記得那年 我們第一次見面
(Female)Do you remember that year? We met for the first time.
(女)那青澀的臉 一切恍若昨天
(Female)Those innocent faces, everything seems like yesterday.
(男)回想起從前 總是那麼的甜美
(Male)Thinking back to the past, it was always so sweet.
(Male)Now we have to bid each other farewell.
(女)曾受傷 曾徬徨 哪個跌倒的地方
(Female)We were once injured, once hesitant, where did we fall?
(女)有時也迷惘 自己的方向
(Female)Sometimes confused, our own direction.
(女)後悔的 快樂的 我們的故事和歌
(Female)The regrets, the happiness, our story and song.
(Female)Whose voice has been singing it all along?
(Female)That eternal scene,
(Female)We gaze at the same sky.
(Female)No matter how distant the future may be,
(Female)We are always by your side.
(Both)That eternal vow,
(Both)We proudly walk forward,
(Both)Writing the epic of our youth,
(Both)The most radiant page.
(男)這個季節 微風吹起了思念
(Male)This season, a gentle breeze stirs the memories.
(Male)The corridors and classrooms are filled with our traces.
(合)熟悉的街 和你一起走了幾遍
(Both)The familiar streets, how many times have we walked together?
(Both)We will all run towards our own tomorrows.
(合)曾受傷 曾徬徨 哪個跌倒的地方
(Both)We were once injured, once hesitant, where did we fall?
(女)有時也迷惘 自己的方向
(Female)Sometimes confused, our own direction.
(合)後悔的 快樂的 我們的故事和歌
(Both)The regrets, the happiness, our story and song.
(Both)Whose voice has been singing it all along?
(Both)That eternal scene,
(Both)We gaze at the same sky.
(Both)No matter how distant the future may be,
(Both)We are always by your side.
(Both)That eternal vow,
(Both)We proudly walk forward,
(Both)Writing the epic of our youth,
(Both)The most radiant page.
(Male)That eternal scene,
(Male)We gaze at the same sky.
(Male)No matter how distant the future may be,
(Male)We are always by your side.
(Male)That eternal vow,
(Male)We proudly walk forward,
(Male)Writing the epic of our youth,
(Male)The most radiant page.
(Both)That eternal scene,
(Both)We gaze at the same sky.
(Both)No matter how distant the future may be,
(Both)We are always by your side.
(Both)That eternal vow,
(Both)We proudly walk forward,
(Both)Writing the epic of our youth,
(Both)The most radiant page.
(Both)That eternal scene,
(Both)We gaze at the same sky.
(Both)No matter how distant the future may be,
(Both)We are always by your side.
(Both)That eternal vow,
(Both)We proudly walk forward,
(Both)Writing the epic of our youth,
(Both)The most radiant page.

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