玖壹壹 feat. 黃立成 - 黑暗的社會 (feat. 黃立成) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 玖壹壹 feat. 黃立成 - 黑暗的社會 (feat. 黃立成)

黑暗的社會 (feat. 黃立成)
Dark Society (feat. Stanley Huang)
時間就是我的錢 錢就是我的時間
Time is my money, money is my time
Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock
He used to listen to COCO, now he listens to 玖壹壹
He used to be an ordinary person, now he's a brother
I met him when I was just 17
你跟我的我跟你的 咱是好 兄弟
You're my brother, and I'm yours, we're good brothers
滿身的刀傷口 內心的困惑
Knife wounds all over my body, confusion in my heart
藏在深處好久 有苦能跟誰說
Hidden deep inside for a long time, who can I tell my troubles to?
I have to keep going on this road to support my family
其他的別說 人生就要直直衝
Don't say anything else, just go for it
咱的過去就像風 未來我都看天公
Our past is like the wind, I'll look to heaven for my future
Ya 一樣穿著泛黃布鞋 Ya 風吹著枯枝落葉
Ya, still wearing faded sneakers, ya, the wind blowing through the dead leaves
羅雷帶著是因為行頭對 OK人情跟生命一樣貴
Luo Lei wears it because it's the right outfit, OK, loyalty is as precious as life
He's given his youth to society
It's hard to turn back, he can only keep flying towards the top of the pyramid
走在漆黑的道路上 握著那已上膛的槍 我拼命強
Walking down a dark road, holding a loaded gun, I'm strong
天塌下 有我一肩扛
The sky is falling, I'll carry it on my shoulders
忘記那淌著血的傷 捻著拜關老爺的香 我拼命闖
I forget the bleeding wound, I burn incense to the old lord, I'm strong
In this world, the victor is king
阮人正氣 南北二路都是兄弟
We're righteous, our brothers are everywhere from north to south
啥米好康 從來不曾想到自己
I never think of myself when it comes to good things
眉角 觀念好 對少年就開始
I've had my ideas straight since I was young
阮大ㄟ眼睛一眨 我就替伊處理
My big brother just blinks and I'll take care of it
阮不只敢賭 心臟也大
We're not just brave, we're also generous
只要能夠討生活 阮麻什麼都不怕
We're not afraid of anything as long as we can make a living
這條黑暗路 咱就要小心走
We have to be careful on this dark road
若是趴下去 也是咱的命
If we get caught, it's our fate
吃人一口還人一斗 阮都這樣做代誌
You feed me, I'll repay you, that's how we do things
吃果子要拜樹頭 這點不曾放忘記
We always remember to thank the source
咱雖然愛賺錢 咱也重倫理
We love to make money, but we also value ethics
若是要把咱匹 一門就乎死
If you want to fight us, we'll fight to the death
If you want people to respect you, show them respect
If you're too arrogant, you'll get what you deserve
雖然曾後悔 但是不抽退 已經沒回頭的路 這是黑社會
Although I've regretted it, I won't back down, there's no turning back, this is the underworld
義氣 擺在第一 我們不講利益
Loyalty comes first, we don't talk about benefits
麻吉尬玖壹壹 團結就是力氣
Brothers and 玖壹壹, together we're strong
一諾千金 死無二心 三結義 四方五湖 六路七海皆兄弟
A promise is a promise, till death do us part, three oaths, four seas, five lakes, six paths, seven seas, all brothers
黑白好壞 全部挺到底 不離不棄 踏進我們的土地 先跨過我屍體
Right or wrong, we'll stick together through thick and thin, to enter our territory, you'll have to step over my dead body
咱最有叫小 沒在叫小弟 這條路暗又黑 聽到聲你就跑無路
We're the bosses, not the underlings, this road is dark and dangerous, you'll be running for your life if you hear us coming
走在漆黑的道路上 握著那已上膛的槍 我拼命強
Walking down a dark road, holding a loaded gun, I'm strong
天塌下 有我一肩扛
The sky is falling, I'll carry it on my shoulders
忘記那淌著血的傷 捻著拜關老爺的香 我拼命闖
I forget the bleeding wound, I burn incense to the old lord, I'm strong
In this world, the victor is king
黑暗的社會 黑暗的社會
Dark society, dark society
黑暗的社會 黑暗的社會 挖ㄟ麻吉底堆
Dark society, dark society, my brothers are here

Авторы: 陈皓宇,洪瑜鸿,廖建至,崔惟楷

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