玖壹壹 - 為什麼 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 玖壹壹 - 為什麼

為什麼為什麼為什麼為什麼 人看到殭屍就要停止呼吸
Baby, why, why, why, why do people stop breathing when they see zombies?
為什麼為什麼為什麼為什麼 我感冒時會一直流鼻水
Baby, why, why, why, why do I have a runny nose when I have a cold?
為什麼為什麼為什麼為什麼為什麼 拿兩顆磁鐵可以正負相吸
Baby, why, why, why, why, why can two magnets attract each other with positive and negative charges?
為什麼人躲在水 太久會死
Baby, why do people die if they stay in water for too long?
在這個世界你想要了解 就要自己來問看麥
If you want to understand this world, you have to ask yourself
你別問我啦 我也不知 請你自己去GOOGLE看麥
Baby, don't ask me, I don't know. Please, go and Google it yourself
在這個世界你想要了解 就要自己去試看麥
If you want to understand this world, you have to try it yourself
你別再問啦 我哪會知 就要自己去走闖看麥 你才會了解
Baby, don't ask me again, how would I know? You have to go out and explore it yourself. That's the only way you'll understand
為什麼為什麼為什麼為什麼 蠶寶寶大漢了會一直吐絲
Baby, why, why, why, why do silkworms keep spinning silk when they grow up?
為什麼為什麼為什麼為什麼 鐵達尼號沒出第二集
Baby, why, why, why, why is there no Titanic 2?
為什麼為什麼為什麼為什麼 蛤蜊若煮熟他就會打開
Baby, why, why, why, why do clams open when they're cooked?
為什麼 玖壹壹可以出唱片
Baby, why are the Nine One One able to release an album?
你說問題的盡頭在哪裡 整個宇宙我們只是BABY
Darling, where is the end of all these questions? We're just babies in this vast universe
想要解答就靠自己 不然一切都沒了意義
If you want answers, you have to find them yourself. Otherwise, everything is meaningless
誰說富有就是因為現金 有人靠的只是他的DADDY
Who says being rich is all about money? Some people just rely on their daddies
如果你環遊世界 生活雀躍 心裡的滿足遠超過物質或是MONEY
If you travel the world and live a fulfilling life, the satisfaction you'll feel will far surpass any material possessions or money
該長大了 該長大了 長大依然有十萬個為什麼
It's time to grow up, it's time to grow up. Even when we're adults, we'll still have a million why's
為為什麼 我們生活的重心 都是來自工作
Baby, why, why is the center of our lives always work?
政黨輪替 人民沒什麼收穫 靠你來解開這個疑惑
Political parties change, but the people don't benefit much. It's up to you to solve this mystery
為什麼為什麼為什麼 就為什麼 這個問題很難去擺脫
Baby, why, why, why, how come? These questions are hard to shake off

Авторы: 廖建至, 陳皓宇, 洪瑜鴻

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