玖壹壹 - 下輩子 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 玖壹壹 - 下輩子

Next Life
我災 拎老母都嫌我醜
Baby, even your mom thinks I'm ugly
我災 拎老爸都看我不爽快
Baby, even your dad can't stand me
我災 你家的狗 咬我三次
Baby, your dog has bitten me three times
全家伙都賭爛 其實我都ㄟ災
Everyone despises me, and I know I deserve it
我寄乎妳的信 都給你爸撕掉
The letters I sent you were torn up by your dad
我打電話去你家 又乎你媽掛掉
When I call your house, your mom hangs up on me
連我走去你家 都有人來討債
Even when I visit your house, people come to collect debts
我不敢相信 自己怎會 甲衰小
I can't believe how unlucky I am
你老爸老母看我無 我選里長給他看
Your parents look down on me, but I'll run for mayor to show them
伊嫌我不夠好野 但我有好的心肝
They say I'm not good enough, but I have a good heart
I brought mangoes to your house, but your dad threw them on the ground
我發誓 下輩子 我要娶他女兒
I swear, in the next life, I'll marry your daughter
我拜天 我拜地 求菩薩讓我們做伙
I pray to heaven and earth, I beg the Bodhisattva to let us be together
妳永遠 是家裡 最甲意 那一個
You're always your family's favorite
In this life, I can't give you any promises
下世人 再帶你去甲你最愛的燒酒螺
In the next life, I'll take you to eat your favorite snails
You said that if I remember you in the next life
We'll die together
Like a hypnotic suggestion
I'm slipping into unconsciousness again
Okay, in the next life, if I still remember you
Don't forget your vows
It was just a name card
我已隨他走入 下個輪迴裡
I have already followed him into the next reincarnation
這輩子無法的話 那可以下輩子好嗎
If it can't be in this life, can it be in the next?
妳說當朋友的話 那我也就這樣做吧
You said that if we can just be friends, then I'll do that
我看著你去愛誰 比做牛做馬還累
I watch you love someone else, it's harder than working like a horse
妳的另一半在哪裡我 I don't care
I don't care who your other half is
我什麼時候 會離開 在走上奈何橋
When will I leave? On the奈何桥
不選擇孟婆湯的話 我吞下那不該吃的藥
If I don't choose孟婆汤, I'll swallow the wrong medicine
So that I can find you more quickly in the crowd
我決定在離開前 我先來帶個望遠鏡
I've decided that before I leave, I'll bring a telescope
Come on baby 說好下輩子你要在我身邊
Come on baby, you promised that you'd be there in the next life
我還會記得那牌子 跟你最愛抽的菸
I'll remember the brand and your favorite cigarettes
I fucking hope that time can go faster
讓我過完這輩子 完成我的心願
Let me finish this life and fulfill my wish
沒有了天長地久 真的我沒差
I don't care if there's no happily ever after
下輩子還要還記得你 是我的真心話
In the next life, you must remember me, that's my sincere wish
Even if our roles are reversed, I don't mind
反正也對阿對阿 我心甘情願地被你插
Anyway, I'm willing to let you stab me
You said that if I remember you in the next life
We'll die together
Like a hypnotic suggestion
I'm slipping into unconsciousness again
Okay, in the next life, if I still remember you
Don't forget your vows
It was just a name card
我已隨他走入 下個輪迴裡
I have already followed him into the next reincarnation
If it can't be in this life, I don't care
I just want to tell you my sincere wish
An unreasonable request, will you grant it?
不管是天堂地獄 我都沒在怕
Heaven or hell, I'm not afraid
If it can't be in this life, I don't care
I just want to tell you my sincere wish
An unreasonable request, will you grant it?
不管是天堂地獄 我都沒在怕
Heaven or hell, I'm not afraid
You said that if I remember you in the next life
We'll die together
Like a hypnotic suggestion
I'm slipping into unconsciousness again
Okay, in the next life, if I still remember you
Don't forget your vows
It was just a postcard
我已隨他走入 下個輪迴裡
I have already followed him into the next reincarnation

Авторы: Ming You Xie, Chun Feng, Yang Cong

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