琳琳 - 梅花雪 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 琳琳 - 梅花雪

Plum Blossom Snow
Plum Blossom Snow
梅花飘雪情深厚 多想你的手
Plum blossoms fluttering, affection deep How I long for your hand
牵着我的目光走 年年情依旧
Leading my gaze, we walk together Year after year, our love remains
过小桥 上山头 不怕冬天的寒流
Over the bridge, up the mountain Not afraid of winter's cold
在那梅花路上写温柔 人间春色眼底收
On that plum blossom path, tenderness unfolds Human springtime colors captured in my eyes
青山永不改 绿水永长流
Green mountains never change, rivers forever flow
I love the moment when plum blossoms flutter
我要永远握住你的手 握住春秋 走到天尽头
I wish to hold your hand forever, through spring and autumn To the ends of the earth
^-^ music^-^
^-^ music^-^
梅花飘雪意幽幽 我想你的手
Plum blossoms fluttering, intentions subtle I long for your hand
牵着我的梦儿走 岁岁爱畅游
Leading my dreams, we walk together Year after year, our love roams
永难忘 好朋友 海阔天空任遨游
Unforgettable, dear friend The vast sky, our playground
在那人生路上苦追求 英雄自古数风流
On that path of life, we relentlessly pursue Heroes throughout history, their tales abound
青山永不改 绿水永长流
Green mountains never change, rivers forever flow
I love the moment when plum blossoms flutter
我要永远握住你的手 握住春秋 走到天尽头
I wish to hold your hand forever, through spring and autumn To the ends of the earth
握住春秋 走到天尽头
To the ends of the earth
- End - ^-^ music^-^
- End - ^-^ music^-^

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