田所あずさ - Hello My Revolution - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 田所あずさ - Hello My Revolution

Hello My Revolution
Hello My Revolution
Brand New Shine
Brand New Shine
あの日 変わりたいと
That day, wanting to change myself
踏み出した この世界で
I stepped out into this world
信じて 貫く 情熱を知ったの
And learned the passion of believing and persevering
Accelerating and shining
この日々の その先へと
Towards the future of these days
手探りでも諦めない 私でゆくよ
I will go with myself, even if I have to grope
There is no such thing as certainty
だから 現実を掴んで
That's why I will seize reality
高く 高く 辿り着くまで 目指そう
Aiming to reach high, higher, until I reach my goal
鮮やかに目覚めてく 明日の声が届く
Waking up vividly, I hear the voice of tomorrow
可能性は 無限だって 証明したくもなる
I want to prove that the possibilities are endless
吐き出せなかった夢も 追いつけない気持ちも
I want to chase after the dreams I couldn't spit out and the feelings I couldn't keep up with
全てが私だって 心逸らさないで 伝えてゆくんだ
Because they are all me, I will convey them without letting my heart be swayed
Brand New Shine
Brand New Shine
ふいにこぼれ落ちた 涙に流されぬように
I don't want to be washed away by tears that suddenly fall
譲れない想いは 焼き付けてしまいたい
I want to burn the thoughts I can't give up
同じ空の下で すれ違う人の中で
Under the same sky, among the people passing by
君に巡り会えた事 きっと運命
Meeting you must have been destiny
その笑顔が嬉しくて 応えたいと重ねた
Your smile made me happy, and I wanted to respond to it
強く 強く 願う気持ちは 離さない
I will never let go of my feelings of strength and desire
自由にはみ出してく 未来軌道に乗って
I want to ride on the future track that goes beyond freedom
未完成の個性でもっと 夢を描きたいんだ
I want to dream more with my incomplete individuality
不安でしょうがなくって 眠れずにいた夜も
Even on nights when I couldn't sleep because of anxiety
心に君がいた 触れたその痛みで 優しさも知った
You were in my heart, and I learned kindness from the pain you touched me
Non Stop Days
Non Stop Days
在るべき場所へと 突き進んでゆく
I will keep moving forward to the place I should be
始まりを越えて 光の先へと
Beyond the beginning, towards the light
鮮やかに目覚めてく 明日の声が届く
Waking up vividly, I hear the voice of tomorrow
可能性は 無限だって 証明してみせるよ
I will prove that the possibilities are endless
吐き出せなかった夢も 追い越したい気持ちも
I want to spit out my dreams and chase after them
全てが私だって 心逸らさないで 伝えてゆくんだ
Because they are all me, I will convey them without letting my heart be swayed
Brand New Shine
Brand New Shine

Авторы: rino, 俊龍, 俊龍, RINO

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