田馥甄 - girl with one eye live - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 田馥甄 - girl with one eye live

girl with one eye live
girl with one eye live
Everyone I could make plans with, I've already made plans with
Everything I could possibly eat, I've already eaten
很用力談笑 比哭還絕望
I try so hard to laugh and talk, but it's more hopeless than crying
How am I going to make it to closing time?
I thought if I was constantly busy, the pain would go away
So I kept myself so busy that I could barely breathe
So busy that I forgot to delete all of your text messages
Every word is like a slap in the face
思念太猖狂 一個冷不防
思念太猖狂 一個冷不防
一想起你 忙碌的生活變得空蕩蕩
The moment I think of you, my hectic life feels so empty
對心事說謊 把你想到多麼的不堪
I lie to my heart and tell it how terrible you are
You're so great, what more do you want from me?
I thought work would heal my wounds
I even wished I could get sick so I could just stay home and feel sorry for myself
沒力氣遐想 誰知癱瘓在床上
I didn't have the energy to daydream, but when I collapsed in bed
I yearned for you to be by my side
思念太猖狂 一個冷不防
思念太猖狂 一個冷不防
一想起你 忙碌的生活變得空蕩蕩
The moment I think of you, my hectic life feels so empty
對心事說謊 把你想到多麼的不堪
I lie to my heart and tell it how terrible you are
You're so great, what more do you want from me?
你也太猖狂 一個冷不防
You took me by surprise when
睡到一半 才覺醒療傷先要哭一場
I woke up in the middle of the night and realized that the only way to heal is to cry
對世界說謊 只把自己哄騙得更慘
I lie to the world, but I'm only fooling myself even more
The only way to find release is to surrender
The only way to find release is to surrender

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