田馥甄 - 靈魂伴侶 - Live - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 田馥甄 - 靈魂伴侶 - Live

靈魂伴侶 - Live
Soulmate - Live
若你是 一陣春天裡的風
If you are the wind on a spring day
那我一定是 最遠的風箏
I must be the kite that flies the highest
若你只是一道 某個弄堂緊鎖的門
If you are just a door locked in a certain alley
I am the vine outside the door
若你是 難得一見的彩虹
If you are a rare rainbow
我願做 路人驚歎的叫聲
I want to be the exclamation of the people
若你又是一顆 可望不可及的星辰
If you are a star that is out of reach
我便是 眺望眼神
I will be the gaze
然而你選擇 做平凡的人
However, you choose to be an ordinary person
於是我也就 愛上你的人
So I fell in love with your person
甘願我的靈魂 困在這個肉身
Willing to trap my soul in this body
Just to be worthy of you
然而你已是 最平凡的人
However, you are already the most ordinary person
看著多美好 心卻那麼笨
Everything looks so beautiful, but my heart is so stupid
雙手和你碰過 肩膀和你擦過
Our hands have touched, our shoulders have brushed
But our souls cannot recognize each other
當你是 不停追逐的秒針
When you are the second hand that keeps chasing
我是你 背後暗湧的齒輪
I am the gear that turns silently behind you
當你還是一滴 筆尖尚未乾透的藍
When you are still a drop of blue ink that has not dried on the nib
I am the trace on the back of the paper
原來你選擇 做平凡的人
It turns out that you choose to be an ordinary person
卻不是一個 會愛我的人
But not someone who will love me
不管我的靈魂 困在哪個肉身
No matter which body my soul is trapped in
It is destined to be unworthy
原來我 已是個平凡的人
It turns out that I am already an ordinary person
什麼都明白 心卻那麼疼
I understand everything, but my heart hurts so much
和你談笑風生 和你談過心聲
We talk and laugh, we talk about our hearts
But our souls dare not recognize each other

Авторы: Zheng Nan, 藍小邪

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