白安 - 換房子 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 白安 - 換房子

Change of Home
迷離的色彩 燃燒後暗淡的火柴 亂晃的鐘擺 打亂我該有的節拍
Illusive colors, like the dull flame of a burnt match, Swaying pendulum, disturbing my rhythm,
我該不該離開 帶著瀟灑說goodbye 我該不該走開 跟著氣球飄開
Should I flee, with a touch of grace, say goodbye, Should I depart, follow the drifting balloon?
我要換房子 我要換椅子 我要換桌子 我要換鏡子
I want to change my home, my chair, my table, my mirror,
我要換名字 我要換位置 我要拋開 所有傷心的故事
I want to change my name, my location, I want to discard, all the sorrowful tales.
陳舊的對白 中間堆滿許多遺憾 假如能重來 缺憾是否能減一半
A stale dialogue, filled with regrets, If I could go back, Could I have reduced the imperfections?
我該不該離開 帶著瀟灑說goodbye 我該不該走開 怎麼做才能符合你的期待
Should I flee, with a touch of grace, say goodbye, Should I depart, how can I meet your expectations?
換房子 換椅子 換桌子 換鏡子
Change my home, my chair, my table, my mirror,
換名字 換位置 我要拋開 所有傷心的故事
Change my name, my location, I want to discard, all the sorrowful tales.
我要換房子 我要換椅子 我要換桌子 我要換鏡子
I want to change my home, my chair, my table, my mirror,
我要換名字 我要換位置 我要拋開 所有傷心的故事
I want to change my name, my location, I want to discard, all the sorrowful tales.

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