白安 - 離開後 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 白安 - 離開後

After Leaving
你開著一輛車 告別我說要回家
You drove a car and said goodbye to me on your way home
我還笑著說 那你何時要帶我回家
I even laughed and asked when you would take me home
你開著一輛車 不說我也懂你的心 早已駛向沒我的地方
You drove a car and said nothing, but I knew your heart had already sailed away to a place without me
留下空空蕩蕩 毫無殘響 無盡牽掛
Empty and hollow, with no echoes or endless worries
離開後的你在哪過 希望你找到你要的寬闊
I hope you found the freedom you longed for after you left
我知道不是你的錯 是我給不了你嚮往的自由
I know it wasn't your fault; I couldn't give you the freedom you craved
離開後的你在哪過 希望誰收留了你的寂寞
I hope someone took your loneliness after you left
每當你疲倦的時候 是否會想起我臉上的笑容
When you're tired, do you think of the smile on my face?
忘記你就像忘記 我最喜歡的自己
Forgetting you is like forgetting my favorite self
想念時的情緒 像劃破天際的流星
The feeling of longing is like a meteor streaking across the sky
你給過我勇氣 漫長歲月中 你是我最放不下的過去
You gave me courage; in the long years, you are my unforgettable past
儘管你我早已有 太多距離 最想念的人啊
Although you and I already have too much distance, the person I miss the most
離開後的你在哪過 希望你找到你要的寬闊
I hope you found the freedom you longed for after you left
我知道是我太懦弱 是我沒說出留下你的理由
I know I was too cowardly to say why you should stay
離開後的你在哪過 希望誰收留了你的寂寞
I hope someone took your loneliness after you left
每當你疲倦的時候 是否會想起我臉上的笑容
When you're tired, do you think of the smile on my face?
離開後的你在哪過 希望你找到你要的寬闊
I hope you found the freedom you longed for after you left
我知道是我太懦弱 是我沒說出留下你的理由
I know I was too cowardly to say why you should stay
離開後的你在哪過 希望誰收留了你的寂寞
I hope someone took your loneliness after you left
每當你疲倦的時候 是否會想起我臉上的笑容
When you're tired, do you think of the smile on my face?
Do you think of the smile on my face?
離開後 你要好好過 謝謝你成就最勇敢的我
After you left, you must live well; thank you for bringing out the bravest me
雨後天晴 終有陽光 在等我
After the rain, the sky clears, and the sun is waiting for me

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