白芯羽 - 台北! 夢想起跑點 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 白芯羽 - 台北! 夢想起跑點

台北! 夢想起跑點
Taipei! Where Dreams Begin
雨過天晴的街頭 陽光灑落 在光芒街道上 奔波 為了甚麼
On the sunny streets after the rain, the sun shines on the bright roads. We rush by, for what?
皮膚曬的通紅 汗水浸濕領口 是為了夢想 還是為了生活
Our skin is sunburned, our collars are soaked with sweat. Is it for our dreams or for our livelihood?
天邊那一道彩虹 通往哪頭 躍過能否拋下 煩惱 車水馬龍
That rainbow in the sky, where does it lead? Can we leap over it and leave behind our worries and the hustle and bustle?
一把吉他 a girl 沒有終點 喚起熱情你我
A girl with a guitar, no finish line, igniting our passion.
台北! 夢想的起跑點往前衝
Taipei! The starting point of dreams, let's charge ahead.
台北! 大手牽小手唱出歡樂
Taipei! Big hands hold little hands, singing out happiness.
追逐夢想的每一刻 都要挺著胸 打倒現實惡魔
In every moment of chasing our dreams, we must stand tall and defeat the demons of reality.
台北! 夢想的起跑點往前衝
Taipei! The starting point of dreams, let's charge ahead.
台北! 大手牽小手唱出歡樂
Taipei! Big hands hold little hands, singing out happiness.
闖出內心的小宇宙 在破曉曙光下 GO! YOUTH!
Break out of our inner microcosm, in the light of dawn, GO! YOUTH!
找回感動 台北 YA 天邊那一道彩虹 通往哪頭 躍過能否拋下 煩惱 車水馬龍
Find inspiration again, Taipei YA. That rainbow in the sky, where does it lead? Can we leap over it and leave behind our worries and the hustle and bustle?
一把吉他 a girl 沒有終點 喚起熱情你我
A girl with a guitar, no finish line, igniting our passion.
台北! 夢想的起跑點往前衝
Taipei! The starting point of dreams, let's charge ahead.
台北! 大手牽小手唱出歡樂
Taipei! Big hands hold little hands, singing out happiness.
追逐夢想的每一刻 都要挺著胸 打倒現實惡魔
In every moment of chasing our dreams, we must stand tall and defeat the demons of reality.
台北! 夢想的起跑點往前衝
Taipei! The starting point of dreams, let's charge ahead.
台北! 大手牽小手唱出歡樂
Taipei! Big hands hold little hands, singing out happiness.
闖出內心的小宇宙 在破曉曙光下 GO! YOUTH!
Break out of our inner microcosm, in the light of dawn, GO! YOUTH!
找回感動 台北 YA
Find inspiration again, Taipei YA.
台北! 夢想的起跑點往前衝
Taipei! The starting point of dreams, let's charge ahead.
台北! 大手牽小手唱出歡樂
Taipei! Big hands hold little hands, singing out happiness.
追逐夢想的每一刻 都要挺著胸 打倒現實惡魔 台北! 夢想的起跑點往前衝
In every moment of chasing our dreams, we must stand tall and defeat the demons of reality. Taipei! The starting point of dreams, let's charge ahead.
台北! 大手牽小手唱出歡樂
Taipei! Big hands hold little hands, singing out happiness.
闖出內心的小宇宙 在破曉曙光下 GO! YOUTH!
Break out of our inner microcosm, in the light of dawn, GO! YOUTH!
找回感動 台北 YA
Find inspiration again, Taipei YA.

白芯羽 - Taipei Tone
Taipei Tone
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