Tatsuya Ishii - NAMELESS - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Tatsuya Ishii - NAMELESS

有名!ここらじゃ TATOOだらけのNASTY GUY
Honey, my rep around here is that of a tough guy with lots of TATTOOS
本名!名乗らず ADANAだけで怖がるぜ
My real name? I won't tell you. I go by my nickname only, and it strikes fear into the hearts of even the bravest.
生まれも育ちも悪く ガキの頃から目をつけられて
My upbringing was rough, and I've been a target ever since I was a kid
18までにゃ 後戻りできないくらい流されて
By the time I was 18, there was no turning back. I'd been swept away by the current.
NAMELESS この 命もない
NAMELESS, this life is meaningless
NAMAIKINA, I'm glaring at you
NAMELESS あの 夢など消え
NAMELESS, those dreams have vanished
名無しの俺は低い空がお気に入り... IT′S A RAINYDAY!
Nameless, I'm at home in the gutter... IT'S A RAINYDAY!
巧妙!嘘つきも ONE PANCHでのせばわかるぜ
Slick! You think you can lie to me, but I can see through your BS in a second.
絶妙!詐欺野郎 LOOKING FOR すぐSEARCHING察知できるぜ?
Slick! You're a scammer, LOOKING FOR someone to SEARCHING rip off. Do you think I can't see what you're up to?
生き様も何もない 格好だけ付けたいだけのこと
My life is a joke. I'm just a poser.
大人どもに振り回されて 今じゃそいつらを拳で脅す
I've been manipulated by adults my whole life, and now I'm using my fists to threaten them.
NAMELESS その 答えもない
NAMELESS, there are no answers
NAMAHANKANA, don't give me that crap
NAMELESS まだ 希望はある
NAMELESS, there's still hope
名無しの俺は暗い道が似合ってる... IT'S A DARKNESS ROAD!
Nameless, I belong in the darkness... IT'S A DARKNESS ROAD!
手錠をはめられた ダチの姿を見て笑いだす
I laugh when I see my friends getting handcuffed.
ここには何もない ただ虚しい廃墟の路地裏
There's nothing here but empty streets and broken dreams.
NAMELESS この 命もない
NAMELESS, this life is meaningless
NAMAIKINA, I'm glaring at you
NAMELESS あの 夢など消え
NAMELESS, those dreams have vanished
Nameless, I'm getting soaked in the rain...
NAMELESS その 答えもない
NAMELESS, there are no answers
NAMAHANKANA, don't give me that crap
NAMELESS まだ 希望はある
NAMELESS, there's still hope
名無しの俺は暗い道が似合ってる... IT′S A DARKNESS ROAD!
Nameless, I belong in the darkness... IT'S A DARKNESS ROAD!

Авторы: 石井 竜也

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