神のみぞ知り隊 - アイノヨカン (TV EDIT) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 神のみぞ知り隊 - アイノヨカン (TV EDIT)

アイノヨカン (TV EDIT)
Ai no Yokan (TV EDIT)
恋じゃなくて愛よ あなたを想うだけで せつない
It's not love, it's deeper than that, thinking of you alone is poignant
With you, every day's colors are brighter
いつか会えると 占い信じて
Believing in horoscopes, that we'd meet someday,
派手なスカーフを 胸に飾ってた
I wore a flashy scarf around my chest.
空は青くて 小鳥がさえずる
The sky is blue, and the birds are singing,
何か始まりそう そんな予感する
Something's about to begin, that's my hunch
「好き」とは違う この感情が
What I feel isn't just "liking" you,
大人の階段上る 一歩目ね
It's the first step up to adulthood's ladder.
昨日の私 もう脱ぎ捨てて
I'm shedding my old self of yesterday,
未知なる[未知なる] 世界へ[世界へ] 新しい誕生日
Into the [unknown world], a new birthday.
恋じゃなくて愛よ 誰にも渡したくはないの
It's not love, it's deeper than that, I don't want to give you up to anyone,
独り占めしたい 涙があふれだすの
I want you all to myself, tears start spilling over.
恋じゃなくて愛よ あなただけが私のすべてよ
It's not love, it's deeper than that, you're everything to me.
The everyday sounds, they're sparkling.
空気みたいに 私に必要
I need you like I need air,
ふいに微笑んだ 笑顔 大切よ
When you smile out of the blue, it means the world to me,
風が二人を 優しく包んで
The wind gently wraps itself around us,
奇跡起こりそうな期待 抱きしめて
I'm embracing the anticipation of a miracle.
「好き」よりもっと 熱い気持ちが
My feelings are more intense than "liking" you,
抑えきれないくらいに ときめくの
I can't contain how much my heart leaps,
もどかしい恋 もう次のStage
This unrequited love is entering its next stage,
繋がる[繋がる] 明日へ[明日へ] 新しい記念日ね
Connecting [bonding] to tomorrow, a new anniversary.
「恋じゃなくて愛よ 君に届けたいのは もっと
It's not love, it's deeper than that, what I want to convey to you is more
果てしないキモチ抱きしめ 見つめたいの」
An endless emotion tightly held, I want to gaze into your eyes.
恋じゃなくて愛よ あなたを想うだけで せつない
It's not love, it's deeper than that, thinking of you alone is poignant
With you, every day's colors are brighter
恋じゃなくて愛よ 誰にも渡したくはないの
It's not love, it's deeper than that, I don't want to give you up to anyone,
独り占めしたい 涙があふれだすの
I want you all to myself, tears start spilling over.
恋じゃなくて愛よ あなただけが私のすべてよ
It's not love, it's deeper than that, you're everything to me.
日常の音色(おと)が きらめくの
The everyday sounds, they're sparkling.
恋じゃなくて愛よ 絶対失いたくはないの
It's not love, it's deeper than that, I never want to lose you,
今までの人と 何かが違うDESTINY
There's something different about you than anyone before, a destiny.
恋じゃなくて愛よ あなたを想うだけで せつない
It's not love, it's deeper than that, thinking of you alone is poignant
愛してる 誰よりも 愛してる I love you 心から
I love you, more than anyone, I love you, I love you from the bottom of my heart.

Авторы: 漆野 淳哉, 須田 悦弘, 漆野 淳哉, 須田 悦弘

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