秀蘭瑪雅 - 離不了 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 秀蘭瑪雅 - 離不了

Can't Live Without You
真的離不了那思念像海嘯 外表平靜心裡卻咆哮
I really can't live without the思念like a tsunami, calm on the outside but roaring inside
我已習慣有你的夜晚 你像個孩子和我嘮叨
I have become accustomed to having you by my side every night, you chattered like a child to me
話題雖無聊 感覺卻奇妙
Your topics may be boring, but the feeling is magical
真的離不了那幸福的味道 一直在我的身邊縈繞
I really can't live without the taste of that happiness, it lingers around me all the time
喜歡看你調皮的微笑 在我懷中像一隻小貓
I love to watch your mischievous smile, in my arms you are like a kitten
任性的撒嬌 吻我的唇角
Acting spoiled, kissing my lips
That flower of vows is destined to be watered with sincerity
So that the beauty of love will bloom
More complete lyrics at
一起走過春夏秋冬天涯海角 夢也很美好
Walking together through spring, summer, autumn and winter, even to the ends of the earth, the dream is also beautiful
那溫柔的風吹過你的白色髮梢 有一種暖暖的情調
That gentle breeze blowing through your white hair, there's a kind of warm feeling
You were with me when I cried, you were with me when I laughed
You were more important than anything else, you left
(你走了 離不了 離不 離不了 離不了
(You're gone, can't live without, can't, can't live without, can't live without

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