Joshua Band - 小小嬰孩 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Joshua Band - 小小嬰孩

Tiny Infant
看那冬天雪很白 你在聖誕節醒來
Look at the snow so white in winter, you wake up on Christmas Day
廣播傳來 你聽不懂的silent night
The radio plays "Silent Night," which you don't understand
教堂鐘聲的節拍 路旁合唱的詩班
The rhythm of church bells, the choir singing on the street
Year after year, you try to make sense of it
一生不能永垂不朽 醫生很難醫遍所有
Nobody can live forever, doctors can't cure everything
創造天地的神 降世為人
God, who created the heavens and the earth, came down to be a man
He traded his life for your eternal salvation
小小嬰孩 眼神透漏著單純 祂將背負著傷痕 為了 深深摯愛的我們
Tiny infant, your eyes reflect innocence, He will bear the scars for us, His deeply beloved ones
我願虔誠 相信你直到永恆 宇宙間沒有眾神 像你一樣
I want to believe in you devoutly forever, there is no other god in the universe like you
So great, yet born like us (even after falling, you can still be transformed into eternity)
石斑魚長出石斑 青春卻長出老殘
Groupers grow into groupers, but youth turns into old age
聰明如你 逃了又逃不出悲哀
As clever as you are, you can't escape sorrow
教堂鐘聲的節拍 路旁合唱的詩班
The rhythm of church bells, the choir singing on the street
Year after year, you gradually understand

Авторы: Samuel Chao

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