Joshua Band - 父親的心 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Joshua Band - 父親的心

Father's Heart
詞、曲 趙治德
Words and Music by Zhao Zhide
演唱 趙治德
Sung by Zhao Zhide
©2016 趙治德/
©2016 Zhao Zhide/
Admin by 社團法人中華民國國度豐收協會附屬希伯崙異象工場
Admin by Social Corporation, R.O.C. Kingdom Harvest Association Affiliated, Hebron Vision Workshop
父親的愛充滿 充滿我
Father's love fills, fills me up
父親的心引領 引領我 引領我
Father's heart leads, leads me, leads me
向聰明的人隱藏 卻向嬰孩顯明
To the clever it's hidden, yet to babes it's revealed
我不再倚靠自己 只渴慕祢聲音
I no longer depend on myself; I only crave your voice
I don't want to wander further anymore
只想現在靠近祢心 祢心
I just want to draw close to Your heart, Your heart
I believe I will abide by Your truth
真理帶我回到家裡 家裡
Truth will bring me back home, home
Your children shall sing
Your children shall rejoice
祢兒女要歡唱 因父親的心
Your children shall sing because of Father's heart
父親的愛充滿 充滿我
Father's love fills, fills me up
父親的心引領 引領我 引領我
Father's heart leads, leads me, leads me
祢收留被遺棄的 等候遠離祢的
You take in the abandoned and wait for those far from You
祢犧牲獨生愛子 使我回轉向祢
You sacrificed Your only begotten Son to bring me back to you
我在家裡 我在家裡
I'm home, I'm home
祢的慈愛 無窮無盡
Your love is boundless
我敬拜祢 我敬拜祢
I worship You, I worship You
永恆天父 領受祢心
I receive Your heart, O' Eternal Father

Авторы: Samuel Chao

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