羅力威 - 情人季节 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 羅力威 - 情人季节

Valentine's Day
巧克力 送给你 代表我的心意
Chocolate gift for you, represents my heart
换一件 彩衬衣 悄悄去见你
Change into a colorful shirt, quietly go to see you
包装好 我的爱 贴上邮票寄你心里
Package my love, put on a stamp and mail it to your heart
Please cherish it well on my behalf
下半生 献给你 下定决心爱你
My next life is for you, determined to love you
管何时 管何地 只要你签名
Whether it's when or where, as long as you sign it
情人季 此时此刻 注定我和你在一起
Valentine's Day, this moment is destined for me and you to be together
只是等待你 说愿意
Just waiting for you to say yes
情人季节 黑白昼夜 让颜色填满音乐
Valentine's Day, black and white day and night, let color fill the music
跟随着你 陪伴着你 让甜蜜永远不会腻
Following you, accompanying you, let the sweetness never get tired
就算夜空没有星星 就算白天永不放晴
Even if there are no stars in the night sky, even if the day never clears
I will pick up a paintbrush and recreate this century
等待明天 兑现诺言 不知不觉睡我枕边
Waiting for tomorrow, fulfilling the promise, unknowingly sleeping by my pillow
天荒地老 一定做到 简简单单生活到老
Through thick and thin, I will definitely do it, living a simple life until old age
下辈子有缘再遇你 重复我爱你我爱你 我爱你
If there is a fate in the next life, I will repeat I love you, I love you, I love you
我爱你 你爱我 就是这麽简单
I love you, you love me, it's that simple
一辈子 我和你 诞下小baby
For a lifetime, you and me, giving birth to a little baby
以上所有情节 不止出现在故事里
All of the above plots are not only found in stories
也会因为你 说愿意
It will also be because you said yes
情人季节 黑白昼夜 让颜色填满音乐
Valentine's Day, black and white day and night, let color fill the music
跟随着你 陪伴着你 让甜蜜永远不会腻
Following you, accompanying you, let the sweetness never get tired
下辈子有缘再遇你 重复我爱你我爱你 不会腻
If there is a fate in the next life, I will repeat I love you, I love you, I will never get tired

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