羅志祥 - 搞笑 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 羅志祥 - 搞笑

那一條牙膏 在對我傻笑
That tube of toothpaste is laughing at me
Laughing that I will never use it all
想睡就睡 想鬧就鬧
Want to sleep then sleep, want to play then play
So happy without your nagging
藍色的碗盤 多買了一套
The blue bowls and plates, I bought an extra set
I forgot that there is no one to stay up late with me
要多少替代的丑角 無辜的陪笑
I need a lot of funny extras to keep me company and laugh
Before I can really forget your kindness
我在搞笑 藉著熱鬧 掩蓋著心跳
I'm playing the fool covering up my heartache with excitement
邊哭邊笑 偏要說著 一個人真好
Half-crying, half-laughing, carelessly saying that I'm better off alone
當人群散了 突然覺得我可以死掉
When the crowd disperses, I suddenly feel like I could die
I can't bear it
還在搞笑 害怕回家 不知怎麼熬
Still playing the fool, afraid of going home, not knowing how to endure
這麼多年 早就習慣 有你的撒嬌
For so many years I've gotten used to your flattery
我想我能熬 但是至少要讓我知道 你好不好
I think I can, but at least let me know how are you doing
我們的小狗 食量變好小
Our little dog's appetite is not as good
His eyes often seem bored
牠習慣睡覺的床尾 少了一雙腳
He is used to sleeping at the foot of the bed where there used to be another pair of feet
So he often stares at the door and can't fall asleep
我在搞笑 藉著熱鬧 掩蓋著心跳
I'm playing the fool covering up my heartache with excitement
邊哭邊笑 偏要說著 一個人真好
Half-crying, half-laughing, carelessly saying that I'm better off alone
當人群散了 突然覺得我可以死掉
When the crowd disperses, I suddenly feel like I could die
I can't bear it
我在搞笑 卻在醉後 眼淚拼命飆
I'm playing the fool, and when I'm drunk, the tears flow freely
你的離開 失去多少 我計算不了
Your departure, how much I have lost, I can't calculate
忙完了一天 突然覺得又何必辛勞
After a busy day, I suddenly feel that I don't have to work so hard anymore
Showing off to who?
還在搞笑 是否擁有 麻痺的療效
Still playing the fool, is there a therapeutic effect in being numbed?
唱一夜歌 卻避不開 催淚的曲調
Singing all night long, yet cannot escape the tear-jerking melody
我徹夜胡鬧 希望聽到有人會提到 你好不好
I'm making a fool of myself all night long, hoping to hear someone mention how are you doing

Авторы: Chuan Chen Zhen, Wei Song Li

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