羅文 - 尘缘(粤) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 羅文 - 尘缘(粤)

The Mortal World (Cantonese)
无人夜半 仍然害怕会失落
Alone in the dead of night, still afraid of loss
I must rely on alcohol to forget
半生情感 谁能像我更用心
In half a lifetime of emotions, who could be more devoted than me?
感觉冷或暖 但最终也要遗忘
I feel cold or warmth, but eventually I must forget
繁华渐散 仍然踏进这街道
As the hustle and bustle fades, I still walk down these streets
Past scenes are everywhere I turn
也许无知 留连在这老地方
Perhaps it's foolish to linger in this old place
I gaze without end into the depths of the past
相识至交 笑拥当天的我
Acquaintances and close friends, we shared laughter in those days
Our gatherings and departures always caught me by surprise
爱过恨过 亦笑过惊过
I've loved, hated, laughed, and been shocked
But there have been few I've shared a lifetime with
回头路远 途人夜半更疏落
The road back is long, and travelers are even scarcer at night
The distant lights are growing dimmer
戏短情深 留神望遍这地方
The play is short but the emotions run deep, so I linger and gaze over this place
When I look back, all is desolate
繁华渐散 仍然踏进这街道
As the hustle and bustle fades, I still walk down these streets
Past scenes are everywhere I turn
也许无知 留连在这老地方
Perhaps it's foolish to linger in this old place
I gaze without end into the depths of the past
相识至交 笑拥当天的我
Acquaintances and close friends, we shared laughter in those days
Our gatherings and departures always caught me by surprise
爱过恨过 亦笑过惊过
I've loved, hated, laughed, and been shocked
But there have been few I've shared a lifetime with
回头路远 途人夜半更疏落
The road back is long, and travelers are even scarcer at night
The distant lights are growing dimmer
戏短情深 留神望遍这地方
The play is short but the emotions run deep, so I linger and gaze over this place
When I look back, all is desolate
戏短情深 留神望遍这地方
The play is short but the emotions run deep, so I linger and gaze over this place
How can I recall the scenes of the mortal world?

羅文 - compilation

1 朋友一個
2 我冷傲但我是暖流
3 笑踏河山(TVB楚留香之蝙蝠传奇主题曲)
4 不了情
5 万里长城永不倒
6 幾許風雨
7 塵緣
8 紋身的獵人
9 小李飞刀
10 狮子山下
11 梦非梦
12 戏说人生
13 狮子山下(香港电台电视剧《狮子山下》主题曲)
14 亲情
15 黎明
16 爱与梦同行 (有人无器版)
17 江湖路(莲花争霸主题曲)
18 铁血丹心(射雕英雄传之铁血丹心)
19 家变(电视剧《家变》主题曲)
20 八月桂花香(粤语版)
21 明日天涯
22 海风
23 对我笑一笑
24 一句旧调
25 豪侠(电影《豪侠》主题曲)
26 前程似锦
27 海棠
28 明星
29 摘星
30 相爱未能爱
31 爱的世界
32 唔见点得
33 愿望就是明天
34 紫荆
35 志在四方
36 名剑风流
37 三世前缘修得到
38 大江东去
39 问白云
40 萧十一郎
41 号角
42 尘缘(粤)
43 我的歌
44 锦绣前程
45 绝代双骄
46 风之恋
47 孔子曰
48 淡淡的小野花
49 今晚夜
50 安歌
51 发现湾(无线电视剧《发现湾》主题曲)
52 在我生命里
53 全为爱
54 八月桂花香
55 尘缘(台视八月桂花香主题曲)
56 肯去承担爱
57 披上骄阳
58 仲夏夜
59 世间始终你好(射雕英雄传之华山论剑)
60 我爱夏日长
61 走我路
62 一生只需给我一次幸运
63 爱情的代价
64 欢笑全为你
65 蓝与黑
66 smoke gets in your eyes
67 始终爱着你
68 人生如此
69 酸甜苦辣(金玉满堂主题曲)
70 家变
71 春回大地
72 魔影迷离
73 柏林围墙
74 曙光
75 风雨晴
76 我要你忘了我
77 几经风雨
78 爱你变成害你
79 魔域桃源
80 这个秋天
81 又见炊烟
82 紫�
83 醉語
84 想你开心
85 回首红尘
86 唱出了希望
87 爱情像风雨
88 为你歌唱
89 留给这世上我最爱的人
90 爱在浓雾中
91 慢舞 Slow Dancing
92 世间只有你好
93 荆途
94 黄昏
95 掌声响起
96 请等一等
97 江山如画
98 星光照我
99 爱的苦果
100 亲情(无线电视剧《亲情》主题曲)
101 精彩故事(皇家反千组主题曲)
102 Just For You
103 一生有意义
104 明天属于你和我
105 前程锦绣
106 紫薇
107 水仙
108 春雨
109 李香兰
110 旧梦不须记
111 故乡
112 我始终是我
113 盼望的爱情
114 潇洒走一回
115 红尘梦
116 恋情三千里
117 共你觅理想
118 中国梦
119 南屏晚钟
120 吻别
121 好歌献给你
122 绿岛小夜曲
123 菟丝
124 让我奔放
125 红棉
126 身体语言
127 长城谣
128 问谁领风骚

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