美秀集團 - 擋一根 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский 美秀集團 - 擋一根

Block a Stick
猶記得那天男孩露了餡 他說話兜著圈
I remember the day the boy got caught; he was beating around the bush
看女孩皺著眉 質問著男孩你抽夠了沒
He saw the girl frowning, asking him if he'd had enough
說夠了沒 男孩捲起一根菸
He said yes, and rolled another cigarette
霎時間 他視線 停留在 她指尖
In that instant, his gaze fell on her fingertips
如果你要抽 不如分我抽一點
If you're going to smoke, you might as well let me have some
讓我承受著 你肺裡的漆黑
Let me take on the darkness in your lungs
Though I can't understand what you feel
I'll try to give
想為妳堅持為妳變好 卻被現實給顛倒
I wanted to hang on, to change for you, but reality turned me upside down
為了面子為了麵包 這圈子的圈套
For面子 (face) and for麵包 (bread), the traps of this circle
於是偏執的厭世著到無法辨識了 自己的靈魂就先死了
So I became stubbornly pessimistic, unable to recognize my own soul, which had already died
到底什麼是愛情 我不知道
What is love, anyway? I don't know
於是男孩愈飛愈高 愈chill愈chill out
So the boy flew higher and higher, got more and more chill
The girl began to doubt herself, wondering if she was good enough
是否還在同個tone調 是否還重要
Were they still on the same page? Did she still matter?
My dear, I can't stop you from having a cigarette
But I can stop you from putting it in your mouth
如果你無法 為我少抽點
If you can't cut back for me
Then I'll share some of the burden
Even a short time is still time
And will ultimately outweigh this one cigarette
在歪了之後 掰的時候
When it's bent and time to take it out
Maybe we can light another
或許變了的是我 或許我沒變
Maybe I've changed, or maybe I haven't
What's changed is my devotion to you
當妳開了口 說不想白了頭
When you said you didn't want to grow old with me
I realized I wasn't the same anymore
I still love adventure, but it's gotten a little out of hand
撞破了頭 才發現被自己困在自己做的夢
I crashed and burned, and realized I was trapped in a dream of my own making
一個人的時間 捲起一根菸
Alone with my thoughts, I light a cigarette
And remember what you once said to me
My dear, I can't stop you from having a cigarette
But I can stop you from putting it in your mouth
如果你無法 為我少抽點
If you can't cut back for me
Then I'll share some of the burden
Even a short time is still time
And will ultimately outweigh this one cigarette
在歪了之後 掰的時候
When it's bent and time to take it out
Maybe we can light another
菸到盡頭 那短暫卻燦爛 像冬夜的煙火般斑斕
The cigarette burns down, its brief but brilliant life like the colorful fireworks of a winter night
妳笑的婉轉 而坦然 緩緩的看淡
You smile wryly, and with a tranquil heart, slowly let go

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