羽·泉 - 冷酷到底 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 羽·泉 - 冷酷到底

Cruel to the End
離開了你的世界 才知道曾經那麼美 遺忘了風聲的邊界 聽不懂潮水的嗚咽
Leaving your world, I realized how beautiful it once was. I forgot the boundaries of the wind and couldn't understand the ocean's sobs.
依賴著幻覺才能貼近你一些 笑容在風聲中泯滅
Relying on illusions to get closer to you, my smile faded away in the wind.
強忍著思念渡過想你的黑夜 久久不散的愛澎湃的向我襲來
Holding back my longing, I endured nights of missing you. The overwhelming love rushed over me, lingering endlessly.
我曾經勸你 讓你勇敢去面對 讓你澎湃的哭 眼淚要流的珍貴
I once told you, "Face it bravely. Let yourself cry freely. Tears are precious."
我也曾經勸我自己勇敢去面對 然而殘留的傷將我的夢撕裂
I also told myself to face it bravely, but the lingering wounds tore my dreams apart.
離開了你的世界 才知道曾經那麼美 遺忘了風聲的邊界 聽不見潮水在嗚咽
Leaving your world, I realized how beautiful it once was. I forgot the boundaries of the wind and couldn't hear the ocean's sobs.
依賴著幻覺才能貼近你一些 笑容在風聲中泯滅
Relying on illusions to get closer to you, my smile faded away in the wind.
強忍著思念渡過想你的黑夜 多年沉積的愛澎湃的向我襲來
Holding back my longing, I endured nights of missing you. Years of pent-up love rushed over me, overwhelming.
你曾經問我到底如何去面對 才能夠毫無保留睜開眼縱情體會
You once asked me how to face it, how to open my eyes without reservation and experience it all.
你曾經讓我澄清一切是與非 然而脆弱的心悲傷重重負累
You made me clarify right from wrong, but my fragile heart carried the heavy burden of sorrow.
我曾經勸你 讓你勇敢去面對 讓你澎湃的哭 眼淚要流的珍貴
I once told you, "Face it bravely. Let yourself cry freely. Tears are precious."
我也曾經勸我自己勇敢去面對 然而殘留的傷將我的夢撕裂
I also told myself to face it bravely, but the lingering wounds tore my dreams apart.
我也曾經勸我自己勇敢去面對 哪怕刻骨的痛 將我的心撕裂
I also told myself to face it bravely, even if the piercing pain tore my heart apart.

Авторы: 陳羽凡

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