范逸臣 - 離開悲傷 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 范逸臣 - 離開悲傷

Out of the Sadness
我的瞳孔 上演著你的笑容
In my pupils, your smile is playing
我的耳朵 播放著你的感動
In my ears, your emotions resound
還好因為有你 記憶開始溫柔
Luckily, because of you, memories have begun to soften
那些綿延的創痛 都找到出口
Those long-lasting pains have all found an exit
你帶我離開悲傷 像黑夜裡的月光
You took me out of the sadness, like moonlight in the dark night
那數不盡的失望 是你教我原諒
Those countless disappointments, you taught me to forgive
當你靠在我肩膀 我學會了遺忘
When you leaned on my shoulder, I learned to forget
每一條河 為了海洋而曲折
Every river, for the sea, meanders
每顆煙火 為了天空而墜落
Every firework, for the sky, falls
每當我抬起頭 看千萬個窗口
Whenever I lift my head and see thousands of windows
像看見你的守候 為疲倦的我
It's like seeing you watching over me, your weary one
你帶我離開悲傷 你說這裡有陽光
You took me out of the sadness, you said there is sunlight here
那放不下的過往 是你給我解藥
That past I couldn't let go, you gave me an antidote
當你靠在我肩膀 我看見晴朗
When you leaned on my shoulder, I saw the clear weather
那淹沒眼眶的淚 終於明白
Those tears that filled my eyes, I finally understand
原來是你的手掌 讓我 得到 力量
It turned out that it was your palm that gave me strength
你帶我離開悲傷 奔向美好的地方
You took me out of the sadness, towards a better place
那數不盡的失望 是你教我原諒
Those countless disappointments, you taught me to forgive
你帶我離開悲傷 不要再回頭張望
You took me out of the sadness, don't look back anymore
那放不下的過往 是你給我解藥
That past I couldn't let go, you gave me an antidote
當世界一片荒涼 你給我希望
When the world was desolate, you gave me hope
End -_-

Авторы: 黄冠龙

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