草蜢 - 另有风光(蔡一智) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 草蜢 - 另有风光(蔡一智)

Songs of Another Place (Choi Yat Chi)
另有风光 - 蔡一智
Songs of Another Place - Choi Yat Chi
当天冲出那个角落 碰到哪些快乐
When I rushed out of that corner that day, what happiness did I encounter?
当天不追那个渴望 会去哪个方向
When I did not pursue that desire that day, which direction would I have gone in?
当天张开那对翅膀 或会闻到花香
When I spread my wings that day, I might have smelled the fragrance of flowers.
今天得出这个现状 别要别要颓丧
Today I have come to this state of affairs, don't be discouraged.
* 怀疑另有风光 还另有一个
* I wonder if there are other landscapes, and if there is another one
Actually, I am not the only one.
沿途另有风光 从没有经过
There are other landscapes along the way that I have never been to,
其实我或有别的经过 *
Actually, I might have been somewhere else. *
当天不追那个太阳 或会摘到星星
When I did not chase the sun that day, I might have picked the stars.
诸般推测满布冷汗 越要越要强壮
All kinds of speculation are covered in cold sweat, I have to be stronger and stronger.
* 怀疑另有风光 还另有一个
* I wonder if there are other landscapes, and if there is another one
Actually, I am not the only one.
沿途另有风光 从没有经过
There are other landscapes along the way that I have never been to,
其实我或有别的经过 *
Actually, I might have been somewhere else. *
发觉我已试过的路 看过见过已太多
I discover that the roads I have traveled, I have seen too much
更觉我放弃过的路 更多
I feel even more that there are many more roads I have given up
原来另有风光 还另有一个
There turns out to be another kind of scenery, there is still another one,
Tomorrow I am willing to be that one.
沿途另有风光 从没有经过
There are other landscapes along the way that I have never been to,
Tomorrow I am willing to go through anything.
怀疑另有风光 容或我现已活得不错
I doubt that there are other landscapes. Maybe I am already living a good life now.

草蜢 - compilation

1 半点心
2 BaBaBa
3 三分钟放纵
4 我们
5 怎么天生不是女人
7 Goodbye My Love
8 爱上一个不回家的人
9 让你哭红了眼睛
10 心中的歌
11 失恋阵线联盟
12 深渊
13 9.95分
14 失恋阵线联盟(粤语版)
15 爱过就忘
16 Ba Ba Ba不属于
17 爱过就可以
18 so sad(粤语)
19 爱一次便够-草蜢黎瑞恩
20 失恋战线联盟
21 失恋之后
22 So sad(国语)
23 失恋
24 ABC
25 火宅之人
26 你想跳舞吗
27 深渊(粤语)
28 you are everthing
29 爆灯
30 一起冲
31 Gala Gala Happy
33 So Sad之禪院鐘聲寶蓮寺
34 搜神
35 妒忌
36 到处睡的女人
37 Everything Is Gonna Be All Right
38 伤心伤到心透
39 粉红色电话
40 给你的祝福
41 谣言
42 流浪的背影
43 我要跳舞
44 每个梦都有温暖的窝
45 告诉我你曾经爱过我
46 夜性感
47 多情少年
48 暗戀的代價
49 你不会不懂
50 情深爱更深
51 爱到尽头
52 最后一次流泪
53 蜘蛛女之吻
54 他忘掉她
55 做个自由人(电影"泪眼煞星"主题曲)
56 撕开我的心
57 失落园
58 难得有情人
59 恋爱预兆_MARIO
60 我�
61 另有风光(蔡一智)
62 爱你
63 跟着你容易迷路
64 电话爱人
65 热力节拍
66 暗恋的代价(国)
67 某月某日那个晚上的深渊
68 人爱世人
69 一个无梦的晚上
70 好�易醒
71 真心难求
72 今夜我好想你
73 遍体鳞伤(蔡一杰)
74 今夜不可以
75 别说我冷漠
76 凭什么
77 小时侯(苏志威)
78 家有仙妻主题曲
79 失恋 宝贝对不起
80 你让我找到未来
81 跟着你我容易迷路
82 意外
83 及时行乐
84 热力节拍 Wou Bom Ba
85 超时空恋人
86 爱得小心(苏志威 刘小慧)
87 火之界
88 朋友
89 夜是跳舞版
90 一起手牵手
91 难以相信
92 黑色情歌
93 偷偷看
94 看海的日子
95 青空
96 我只剩下自己
97 爱不怕让你知道
98 忘情森巴舞
99 宝贝,对不起

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