草蜢 - 大作 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 草蜢 - 大作

他說在蹉跎的 是工作
He said it's work that you're wasting
你卻拿著這投訴 苦苦琢磨
But you're holding onto this complaint and agonizing over it
他只想安慰自己 別執著
He just wants to comfort himself and not get too hung up on it
你卻聽到他暗示 關係也要解脫
But you hear him hinting that your relationship is over
他說你聽錯了 不認錯
He says you misunderstood, but he won't admit it
你為所謂的原則 煽風點火
You're fanning the flames for the sake of so-called principles
你說愛自由就別 再愛我
You say that if he loves freedom, he shouldn't love me anymore
你在顯示你民主 還是趁機撒潑
Are you showing your democracy or just taking the opportunity to throw a tantrum?
(想太多 做太多 無聊人生要惹點禍)
(Thinking too much, doing too much, making waves in a boring life)
The teacup needs a storm
(不怕是 不怕非 只怕是非沒有人說)
(Not afraid of it, not afraid of it, only afraid that no one will talk about it)
Can't bear to be lonely (life should be like a novel)
Minor issues need to be made into big ones (using troubles as a way to connect)
起碼也像 駱駝大搖大擺穿過大沙漠(渺小人生 誰是你和我)
At the very least, be like a camel, swaggering through the vast desert (insignificant life, who are you and me?)
Too many small days (mediocrity makes people sad)
小品不如大作 走火不如入魔)
Small works are not as good as masterpieces (half-hearted measures are not as good as going all out)
小小確幸 怎能證明偌大世界還有我(誰 在背後 炒作你和我)
Small comforts, how can they prove that I exist in this vast world? (Who is behind the scenes, hyping you and me?)
你的個性沒有 那麼弱
Your personality is not that weak
只是被害者角色 不願錯過
It's just that you don't want to miss out on the role of the victim
放心你的眼淚沒 那麼多
Rest assured, your tears are not that many
何必讓一點失落 變成失魂落魄
Why let a little bit of disappointment turn into complete despair?
其實你的耐性 不算多
Actually, your patience is not that great
卻不好意思那麼快 走出枷鎖
But you don't want to break free from your chains so quickly
你的觀眾並沒有 那麼多
You don't have that many spectators
何必要扮演苦主 賣弄尋死覓活
Why do you have to play the role of a martyr and pretend to be seeking death and destruction?
(想太多 做太多 無聊人生要惹點禍)
(Thinking too much, doing too much, making waves in a boring life)
The teacup needs a storm
(不怕是 不怕非 只怕是非沒有人說)
(Not afraid of it, not afraid of it, only afraid that no one will talk about it)
Can't bear to be lonely (life should be like a novel)
Minor issues need to be made into big ones (using troubles as a way to connect)
起碼也像 駱駝大搖大擺穿過大沙漠(渺小人生 誰是你和我)
At the very least, be like a camel, swaggering through the vast desert (insignificant life, who are you and me?)
Too many small days (mediocrity makes people sad)
小品不如大作 走火不如入魔)
Small works are not as good as masterpieces (half-hearted measures are not as good as going all out)
小小確幸 怎能證明偌大世界還有我(誰 在背後 炒作你和我)
Small comforts, how can they prove that I exist in this vast world? (Who is behind the scenes, hyping you and me?)
是與非 一定要分對錯
Right and wrong must be distinguished
沒對錯 愛恨未免淺薄
Without right and wrong, love and hate become shallow
心痕癢 誇張成痛 才有效果
An itchy heart, exaggerated into pain, only then will it be effective
Pain, only then will you have the right to speak
Can't bear to be lonely (life should be like a novel)
Minor issues need to be made into big ones (using troubles as a way to connect)
起碼也像 駱駝大搖大擺穿過大沙漠(渺小人生 誰是你和我)
At the very least, be like a camel, swaggering through the vast desert (insignificant life, who are you and me?)
Too many small days (mediocrity makes people sad)
小品不如大作 走火不如入魔)
Small works are not as good as masterpieces (half-hearted measures are not as good as going all out)
小小確幸 怎能證明偌大世界還有我(誰 在背後 炒作你和我)
Small comforts, how can they prove that I exist in this vast world? (Who is behind the scenes, hyping you and me?)
Can't bear to be lonely (life should be like a novel)
Minor issues need to be made into big ones (using troubles as a way to connect)
起碼也像 駱駝大搖大擺穿過大沙漠(渺小人生 誰是你和我)
At the very least, be like a camel, swaggering through the vast desert (insignificant life, who are you and me?)
Too many small days (mediocrity makes people sad)
小品不如大作 走火不如入魔)
Small works are not as good as masterpieces (half-hearted measures are not as good as going all out)
小情小愛 怎能證明偌大世界還有我(誰 在背後 炒作你和我)
Small love, how can it prove that I exist in this vast world? (Who is behind the scenes, hyping you and me?)

Авторы: calvin choy, lin xi

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