莊心妍 feat. 富博洋, 李守俊 & 杨青 - 新霸王别姬 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 莊心妍 feat. 富博洋, 李守俊 & 杨青 - 新霸王别姬

New Hegemony's Farewell My Concubine
New Hegemony's Farewell My Concubine
Zhuang Xin Yan
Li Shou Jun
Yang Qing
Li Kai Chou
Fu Bo Yang:
With forceful might and spirit that shakes the world...
四面楚歌 乌金甲凉 月如霜夜未央
In the face of adversity with towering rage like the shining moon in the cold night
把酒临风 君唱我和 伴君醉一场
Raising our cups to the wind, you sing and I follow, indulging in a night of drunken revelry
英雄气短 儿女情长 此一别应无恙
Valor crumbles, love lingers, though parted we may be, I wish you well
楚河再深 汉界再长 难忘君模样
Across the Chu River, beyond the Han territories, your visage remains in my mind
梦里宫阙 乌骓回望 酒太浓断人肠
In the palace of dreams, as my steed Uzi looks back, the wine is too potent and heartbreakingly bitter
金甲战袍 虎头龙枪 情泪洒乌江
Golden armor, tiger's head and dragon's spear, tears of love flow by the Wu River
江东父老 我绝不访 只想把你凝望
My fellow countrymen of Jiangdong, I bid you farewell, my gaze forever on you
宁舍江山 大爱一场 何时再成双
I forsake my kingdom for this grand love, when shall we reunited be?
Zhuang Xin Yan:
我为情痴君情狂 今生独爱楚霸王
My love for you is a consuming madness, in this life, only the Overlord of Chu holds my heart
轰轰烈烈爱一场 香消玉殒又何妨
In this tumultuous affair, what does it matter if I perish as a wisp of smoke?
Fu Bo Yang:
我为情痴君情狂 来生还做楚霸王
My love for you is an all-consuming fever, in the next life, I'll be the Overlord of Chu once more
心中多少情与怨 若能轮回定补偿
My heart burdened with love and regret, if reincarnation is true, I shall make amends
长袖带风裙袂扬 为君起舞弄月光
With flowing sleeves and a billowing dress, I dance for you in the moonlight
借君宝剑斩情丝 从此不能陪(称)霸王
Borrowing your sword, I sever our ties, no longer worthy to stand by your side
Zhuang Xin Yan:
人生难得一知己 就此一别天一方
A true confidant is a rare treasure, now we part, and the heavens divide us
Fu Bo Yang:
谁又轻吟虞美人 梦里该下空彷徨
Who softly sings of Lady Yu, lost in dreams of endless wandering?
谁又轻吟虞美人~ 千古传奇万古唱~~
Who softly sings of Lady Yu? A tale of love through the ages, forever sung

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