莫文蔚 - 執子之手 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 莫文蔚 - 執子之手

Holding Your Hand
當時的音樂多熱鬧 我們多招搖
The music was so lively then, we were so flamboyant
We had endless jokes
是誰把音樂關掉 只剩下心在跳
Who turned off the music, leaving only our hearts beating?
有沒有被你聽到 鼓點亂敲
Can you hear it, the drums are beating erratically
是不是時機剛好 夜色溫柔
Was the timing just right, with the night so gentle?
思念在 暗處慫恿
Yearning stirred secretly in the darkness
誰也阻止不了 戀愛自由
No one could stop the freedom to love
一無所有 也不貧窮
Having nothing, but also not being poor
傷口要慢慢治療 時間是良藥
Wounds must be healed slowly; time is the best medicine
Everything else is outdated and invalid
寧靜的夜多難熬 回憶是水草
The quiet night is hard to endure, memories are like waterweeds
經過了依然纏繞 纏繞
They continue to entwine even after we have passed
是不是不該計較 誰對誰錯
Perhaps I shouldn't dwell on who was right and who was wrong
It was love that fled first
曾經愛你多少 都不重要
How much I once loved you no longer matters
留著回憶 與我偕老
I will keep these memories with me for the rest of my life
If I had held you tightly then
Perhaps the ending wouldn't be so hasty
如果能重新來過 我會不會
If I could do it all again, would I
牽你的手 與你偕老
Take your hand and stay with you forever?
是不是不該計較 誰對誰錯
Perhaps I shouldn't dwell on who was right and who was wrong
It was love that fled first
曾經愛你多少 都不重要
How much I once loved you no longer matters
留著回憶 與我偕老
I will keep these memories with me for the rest of my life
If I had held you tightly then
Perhaps the ending wouldn't be so hasty
如果能重新來過 我會不會
If I could do it all again, would I
牽你的手 與你偕老
Take your hand and stay with you forever?
Stay with you forever...

Авторы: 莫 文蔚, Cui Shu, 莫 文蔚

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