莫文蔚 - 婦女新知 2021 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 莫文蔚 - 婦女新知 2021

婦女新知 2021
Dear Women 2021
癲也癲過 蠢也蠢過 今天智慧總算比較多
I've been crazy and foolish bothAnd now today I've got more wisdom, that's for sure
卡數找過 起碼令我 終於忠於我
My credit card's paid offAnd that has helped me stay true to myself
精緻的吃 講究的買 今天已貴精也不貴多
I eat well and dress wellAnd today I value quality over quantity
戀要失過 先發現最 啱身的一個
I had to lose love To find the one that fits me best
我係一個發育健全 嘅女人
I am a fully developed woman
需要各種營養 嘅平衡
Who needs a balanced diet
無見一輪各位 錫我嘅人
I haven't seen any of the people who love me
乜嘢先係緊要 我終於識分
For a whileAnd I finally know what's important
尊嚴 靚衫 工作 美食 同旅行
Respect, pretty clothes, a job, delicious food, and travel
幽默 現金 風格 自由 護膚品
Humor, money, style, freedom, and skincare
Sorry but not sorry 我無數男人
Sorry but not sorry, I don't have a boyfriend
哎喲 唔係故意 我只係特登
Oh, it's not that I don't want one, I'm just being picky
講到呢度 不如轉吓話題
Speaking of which, let's change the subject
時間關係 我就預備 咗隻肥雞
Because of time constraints, I'll have to say goodbye And get started on cooking a chicken
幫佢按摩 鹽同老抽要落齊
I'll massage it and season it with salt and soy sauce
再爆香 花椒 八角 薑葱 紅葱 蒜頭 月桂
Then add Sichuan pepper, star anise, ginger, green onions, garlic, and bay leaves
加啲熱水 冰糖豉油 做個底
Add hot water, rock sugar and soy sauce as a base
再放返 主角落去 溫柔洗禮
And add the chicken back in for a gentle bath
慢火冚蓋 30分鐘 Viola
Cover and simmer for 30 minutes, viola!
咁就搞掂 呢隻馳譽國際 嘅豉油雞
This world-renowned soy sauce chicken is done
癲也癲過 蠢也蠢過 今天智慧總算比較多
I've been crazy and foolish bothAnd now today I've got more wisdom, that's for sure
卡數找過 起碼令我 終於忠於我
My credit card's paid offAnd that has helped me stay true to myself
精緻的吃 講究的買 今天已貴精也不貴多
I eat well and dress wellAnd today I value quality over quantity
戀要失過 先發現最 啱身的一個
I had to lose love To find the one that fits me best
整開甜品 做乜忽然 教人整雞
I'm known for making dessertsWhy am I suddenly teaching you how to cook chicken?
出國太耐 孝敬吓自己 個香港胃
I've been living abroad for too longAnd I'm cooking to comfort my homesick heart
伴侶錫你 咪整佢食 當係獎勵
Your partner loves youSo cook for them as a reward
阿嫲嗰代先會 煮啲好嘢 搏佢留低
Only grandmothers cook delicious foodTo keep you from leaving
正如以前 我shopping 數以噸計
Just as I used to buy and buyThinking about what a certain someone would think
全部都係 諗住著俾 某個人睇
Now I'm with himAnd I still want to pursue my own passions and dreams
事到如今 就算已經 同佢一齊
Don't give up your self-respect for love
個人風格 夢想價值 都唔想跪低
Let's have our own space and fix each other's broken hearts at night
放大了愛 别放低了自尊先好
Let's love moreBut don't forget our own self-respect
各自跳舞 夜了家裡互相修補
Let's dance on our ownAnd make up for lost time together at home at night
愛侶亦要 各有自決 You follow your own feelings
Lovers should be independentYou follow your own feelings
我性感 他不準講數 你著返好你件浴袍
I'm sexy and he can't control meYou put your bathrobe back on
癲也癲過 蠢也蠢過 今天智慧總算比較多
I've been crazy and foolish bothAnd now today I've got more wisdom, that's for sure
卡數找過 起碼令我 終於忠於我
My credit card's paid offAnd that has helped me stay true to myself
精緻的吃 講究的買 今天已貴精也不貴多
I eat well and dress wellAnd today I value quality over quantity
戀要失過 先發現最 啱身的一個
I had to lose love To find the one that fits me best
苦也苦過 甘也甘過
I've known bitterness and joy
今天智慧總算比較多 (單雙也是態度)
And now today I've got more wisdom, that's for sure (Single or not, it's all about attitude)
等美酒去 等美食去 好好修補我
Let's savor the fine wine and foodAnd let our hearts mend
衫有千套 袋有億個
I have a thousand outfits and a billion bags
今天已貴精也不貴多 (完全無礙進步)
And today quality is better than quantity (It doesn't stop us from making progress)
反正一切 優雅扮相 只需討好我
After all, I only dress up to please myself
我係一個發育健全 嘅女人
I am a fully developed woman
Hello, is this you?
A few new strawberry and cream coats just came in
唔駛啦唔該 我而家有浴袍
No, thanks, I'm good. I have a bathrobe now
Honey同埋老抽 ok㗎啦
Honey and soy sauce are good enough for me
如不可碰著 對的人
If you can't find the right person
仍不愧 好女人
You're still a good woman
無求自漂亮 別灰暗
Don't be depressed, take care of yourself
如不可碰著 對的人
If you can't find the right person
仍不愧 好女人
You're still a good woman
頑強地購物 食跟瞓
Shop, eat, and sleep strong

Авторы: East City, 屈霆軒, 黃偉文

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