蔚雨芯 - BB - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 蔚雨芯 - BB

誰翻開短訊 千遍萬遍 終於都看化
Who opened the text message a thousand times, finally seeing it all
讓往昔字詞和語句 在年月逐漸增加
Let the words and phrases of the past gradually increase over the years
隨中英交替 千變萬變 乍看已開花
With the alternation of Chinese and English, thousands of changes, at first glance, it has bloomed
待填密字句 上款只不過順口嘛
When filling in the words, the first one is just a matter of luck
恆河無邊幾多粒沙 到頭來誰都可給你掛
The Ganges is boundless with many grains of sand, in the end, everyone can hang it for you
像嬰兒仍會怕 這匿稱早轉送她
Like a baby who is still afraid, this nickname was given to her early
忘不了那稱呼 相戀當天我身心都被俘
Can't forget that name, the day we fell in love, my body and mind were captured
簡單的兩字恍似平安符 持續慰撫我內心如獲庇護
The simple two words are like a talisman, continuously comforting my heart, as if I have been protected
失去那稱呼 親匿的短訊變作了疾呼
Losing that name, the intimate text message turned into an urgent call
當天的慰問跟眷顧 失去了撐扶
The comfort and care of that day have lost their support
手機 都要受苦
Mobile phone, you have to suffer
誰這麼討厭 想厭未厭 分手一剎那
Who is so annoying, wanting to hate but not hating, the moment of breaking up
讓那稱呼隨時變卦 善忘及悼念之差
Let that name change at any time, the difference between forgetting and mourning
隨悲歡交替 想變未變
With the alternation of sorrow and joy, wanting to change but not changing
I fell in love with a crow
讓甜蜜字句 下款中一再被醜化
Let the sweet words be vilified again and again in the postscript
銀河之中一粒沙 到頭來如裝飾給你掛
A grain of sand in the Milky Way, in the end, it is like a decoration for you
像嬰兒仍會怕 這匿稱安撫百家
Like a baby who is still afraid, this nickname has comforted hundreds of families
忘不了那稱呼 相戀當天我身心都被俘
Can't forget that nickname, the day we fell in love, my body and mind were captured
簡單的兩字恍似平安符 持續慰撫我內心如獲庇護
The simple two words are like a talisman, continuously comforting my heart, as if I have been protected
失去那稱呼 親匿的短訊變作了疾呼
Losing that name, the intimate text message has become an urgent call
當天的慰問跟眷顧 失去了撐扶
The comfort and care of that day have lost their support
手機 都要受苦
Mobile phone, you have to suffer
I have closed my eyes and died, but I still remember that name
沉沒到底的方舟 仰望想要破的釜
The sunken ark, looking up at the cauldron that I want to break
忘不了那稱呼 相戀當天我已叫你丈夫
Can't forget that name, the day we fell in love, I already called you husband
分手的那日失去平安符 提示這一個自己原沒庇護
The day we broke up, I lost the talisman, reminding me that I had no protection
失去那稱呼 孤單的可怕滲進我皮膚
Losing that name, the loneliness seeped into my skin
當天的你用心照顧 闖進了心湖
You took care of me with all your heart and barged into my heart
此刻 花正待枯
At this moment, the flowers are about to wither

Авторы: Mark Lui, Xiao Ke

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